Can anyone please describe how to remove the roof tiles in place and tie off new tiles correctly? Does the tie wire have to be a particular gauge & type?
What’s the best way to cut concrete tiles?
There is no roof underlay, The Rosscrete concrete tiles sit directly on tile battens over trusses.
Having a hard time getting a roofer around, would it be possible to remove the inner flue & fireplace while leaving the outer flue, flashing & cowling in place? This way we could remove fireplace & inner flue now & leave external flue ready for when roofer finally arrives.
Appreciate any ideas & advice, thanks!
Mar 1, 3:48pm
Last bit yes. You will find the how to do the roof part in branz building standards, just google it. Research.
Mar 1, 5:47pm
Looks a fairly straight forward job. I know where you are coming from about getting a roofer for a small job so why don't you run an add in Neighbourly on line paper it seems to bring all sorts of replies out of the woodwork. You will have to join up first ,so give it a go.
Mar 2, 12:05am
just get up and do it, not every tile is wired so chances are you can pull 6-8 off around the flue, get rid of the flue etc, put in a new piece of batten. and re-lay the tiles. looking at the photos youll only need about 4 tiles anyway. easy job.
Mar 2, 3:10am
Can easily cut concrete with an angle grinder with a masonary disc in it, or just with a large chisel and hammer if the finish isn't important.
Mar 2, 5:49am
Thanks everyone, much appreciated!
Mar 2, 6:21am
While you are doing roof maintenance, have a good look at the valley gutter, that may start leaking in the not too distant future judging by the rust.
Mar 2, 6:29am
I ask the following to just be the "devils advocate" Does Mr City Council / consent need to know that you are planning on removing the fire & flue ? Also Insurance companies are very "touchy" about roofs and the water tightness on them etc, would they like a water ingress claim resulting from a DIY roof job ?
Mar 8, 1:55pm
Yeap, looks like runoff from the flashing is the culprit. Am hoping to re-roof in future but until then will monitor flashing condition and add "wire brush / sandpaper and coat with zinc rich protectant paint" to my to-do list.
Aug 12, 12:53pm
Thanks for playing devil's advocate, looking thru list of schedule of exempt building work I believe this work is exempt.
Have managed to remove fireplace & inner flue while leaving outer flue, flashing and chimney cap untouched. This will keep weathertight until roofer can remove and replace tiles.
Thanks all for your comments, much obliged!
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