Bumblebees in chimney

branpy, Dec 15, 3:53am
Have just realised there are bumblebees in our boarded up chimney.I had found several small bumblebees in our room over the last few days and thought it odd as had never seem little ones before and just realised there is buzzing coming from chimney area so must be a nest.

A quick google of how to get rid of nest one site recommended leaving them as bumblebees in decline and needed for pollination and only use nests for one season.

However we are getting a new roof on in 2 weeks and this old chimney is coming down so its looks like they will have to be put down :(

zak410, Dec 15, 4:33am
can you squeeze a rag soaked with petrol through the boards ! (DONT light it) the fumes should rise and maybe enough to drive them away !

I would burn newspapers in the chimney for the smoke to do the same.until they're gone.

branpy, Dec 15, 4:55am
We can take the boards off easy but the previous home owners shoved pink batts up the chimney to stop draft I guess.Anything under the batts would probably fume the room out rather than up the chimney.If we light newpaper etc I think the pink batts would catch.

zak410, Dec 15, 6:00am
No worries then, I think they will relocate when you chimney is removed.

lythande1, Dec 15, 11:38am
Ring a beekeeper then, and have them remove the bees safely.

branpy, Dec 15, 3:30pm
Looked up beekeepers yellow pages looks like all 40 mins away there must be ones closer but not listed,I might try the council on Monday see if they know of anyone.

I don't think they relocate too easy from what I saw online the only time bumbles get aggro is when you distrub the nest or appear to threaten them.Husband not too keen on leaving them hes the one taking chimney down he thinks we should get pests controllers to exterminate.He agrees its a shame though

lythande1, Dec 16, 8:59am
bumblebees are not at all aggressive, seldom sting, and are very easy to live with.

To move a nest safely it is best to do it in the dark - when all of the bees will be in the nest and quiet. They might buzz a bit but they won??