The Repair Shop .

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hazelnut2, Jul 5, 9:52am
Who knew it was dreamed of by a Kiwi.
I love watching this show. especially Kirsten and her amazing ceramics restorals. And Will and his amazing wood restorals not to forget Phil and his metal work. Oh and don't forget Suzie with her leather work. plus the two soft toy girls and all the other guest restorers. All expert craftsmen who deserve the highest praise. Oh, nearly forgot, Jay the boss's upholstery.

hazelnut2, Jul 5, 10:43am
Ooops, I mean Steve's metal work.

lilyfield, Jul 5, 10:45am
Yes yes and yes
Its the most important show of the week, straight after the chaser

tweake, Jul 5, 11:36am
i looked it a bit but if your someone who actually does repair stuff, you quickly see its mostly BS. which is typical for reality tv shows. scripted, made up story lines etc.

in the ones i saw and prices they mentioned, if they where doing it for real they would go broke.

trade4us2, Jul 5, 12:09pm
I have got some good ideas from the show. Mostly the repairs would be uneconomic. We have a very large version of the repair shop, but we have 200 volunteers!

hazelnut2, Jul 5, 12:57pm
But they aren't doing it for money! I have never heard a price mentioned, ever.

Methinks you're thinking of the other restoration shows which mention prices, as there are dealers who want to SELL the finished articles. Some of them are amazing too, but I agree. there is a bit of BS involved in those shows.

The BBC funds TRS. The owners of the 'treasures' are real people. The show doesn't show all the techniques of every job. it would be hours and hours long. And there are also 'filler' scenes in between, as any decent show would have, with beautiful photography. And I sometimes 'Fast Forward' the soppy bits, but TRS is about restoring family treasures and the real human reactions to the fabulous jobs the craftsmen and craftswomen do.

tweake, Jul 5, 1:31pm
i could well be mixing shows up.
there is so many faked shows around that its hard to find the real ones.

at least its a change from "flip your house" shows.

hazelnut2, Jul 5, 3:11pm
And that usa 'flea market' show!

joanie32, Jul 5, 6:34pm
It’s a great show

Some amazing skills and attention to detail shown.

These people are true craftspeople

brightlights60, Jul 5, 7:59pm
Hubby and I love watching it too. Would love to find someone to repair an old Delft huge bowl I have here.

hazelnut2, Jul 5, 9:01pm
Google 'ceramics repair nz'. I hope you'll find the right place. Good Luck!

koru67, Jul 6, 7:20am
Wrightway Studios in Auckland have a great reputation. Maybe there is someone similar closer to you.

jan2242, Jul 6, 9:21am
Almost the only show worth watching now.

tmenz, Jul 6, 9:57am
I'd love to know where they get all their specialist resources and materials. I wouldn't know where to find all the stuff in NZ. I could do all sorts of things with the stuff they've got on hand!

hazelnut2, Jul 6, 12:03pm
The UK has a population of 55 million in the same area as the South Island. NZ has 5.something, total. With 11 times more population and a long history of massive industrial factories and huge architecture, etc, I'm not surprised they have all the stuff they've got on hand. (No No8 wire resourcefulness needed) You'll have to go over!

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 8, 8:32pm
I have watched a lot of the shows. Haven't seen any mention of prices. Or charging for work done.

colin433, Jul 9, 11:49am
I found this a few months ago on TV when looking for shows to record for later viewing (saves watching adverts) I saw a frown on my husband's face, however after the first show was viewed he was the first to find the most recent show. We LOVE it.
I get emotional along with the people who are overcome by the perfection of the repairs.

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 9, 7:46pm
HEY! That's MY Ted on tonight's show!

He's in better nick than that one too.

sarahb5, Jul 9, 8:07pm
He looks a lot like my brother’s bear Fred but bigger - the faces are very similar.

sarahb5, Jul 9, 8:34pm
The costs are met by the show

brightlights60, Jul 9, 9:18pm
I love the viewfinder on there tonight. My 23 year old tells me they are remaking them (again) and you can send your photos to place in the States and they will put them on "wheels" for your viewfinder. What a lovely gift to the next generation.

hazelnut2, Jul 10, 9:30am
We had a clock when I was growing up which sounded exactly like the one which was restored.

hazelnut2, Jul 10, 9:30am
Better nick than the 'after' shots?

oh_hunnihunni, Jul 10, 2:57pm
Blind, and some very thin areas, one paw is splitting the rexene pad - but maybe I'll replace it now I have seen how! He isn't as firmly stuffed as the after version, he is a more comfy cuddle than I suspect that one might be now. He is at least five years older than the show one, but he too came from the UK from my Scottish grandmother, and he arrived before I did.

I have always thought he was a Merrythought bear, but who knows.

sarahb5, Jul 10, 3:12pm
I’ve got my mum’s teddy that she got when she was 21 from my dad so that would’ve been 69 years ago - her parents couldn’t afford one when she was born then the war came and it just didn’t happen. I don’t think I’d repair him because then he wouldn’t look like I remember. I’m not sure my brother’s Fred has a label but he’s 56 and in need of some TLC. Someone in Blenheim does bear repairs but he’s overseas at the moment - my brother and his bear