What can I plant please

melcraig, Aug 25, 11:20am
I have a long bit of garden, approximately 30 cms wide, perhaps wider in the middle, that is in shade a lot, and has horrible clay soil?

Something evergreen so it looks nice all year round

trade4us2, Aug 25, 1:23pm
I don't know much about plants, but Clivia Miniata likes the shade.
Here's mine:

melcraig, Aug 25, 10:14pm
Oh I love the look of that! Thank you!

trade4us2, Aug 25, 11:22pm
A few metres up that path I have Amaryllis Belladonna:

but I think that grows better in full sun.
The leaves disappear for most of the year (so that's probably unsuitable for what you want).
All these are at the back of my section where nobody can see them.
I have moved about 30 of them to my front fence.

piquant, Oct 2, 12:11pm
It's the horrible clay soil that needs the attention! Buy yourself a sack of gypsum and try and incorporate lots of humus into the soil if you want to grow clivia. They need humus rich woodlandy soil and hate wet feet. You always need to take into consideration the growing conditions of a particular plant if you want success!