What to plant next

starseeker, Feb 12, 6:55pm
petunias finished, what to plant next as a fill-in before Iceland poppies?

Suggestions ( in Waikato area)

colin433, Feb 15, 7:37pm
A lot of the plant shops have 99c plants at the moment. We bought three types of zinnias, torenia, and another I can't remember the name of. These are all as a fill-in but are drawing admiring glances from passers-by.
Otherwise, how about a few punnets of portulacca. They were flowering in no time in my very sunny spot on the wall.

oh_hunnihunni, Feb 17, 9:20am
Asters. Or zinnias would be good.

maclad, Dec 23, 7:52am
Depending on how long our summer will be it is getting a bit late for planting summer annuals, but at 99c a punnet I guess it won't matter. We are going into a between seasons period and in a few weeks winter annuals will be in the centres. I think these annuals are sold cheap as shops and growers need to clear stock and try to make some money. Shameful that garden centres sell out of season annuals. Not saying that is the case here as there may still be time to make it worthwhile.