Waterblast or" wet and forget" the deck?

freebutterflies, Aug 29, 6:36pm
Which is the best? i dont mind waiting but want the best result.

hammer23, Aug 29, 6:57pm
water blasting a timber or concrete deck is not a good idea,it will just lift the grain or pit the concrete. just get some mould killer from the w/house and follow the instructions,works for me.

freebutterflies, Aug 29, 7:01pm
Thanks, ill do that then. How many months does it take to look clean again? its just mouldy and slippery in places.

gpg58, Aug 29, 7:51pm
Do not find products alone much good myself, on heavy growth, unless scrubbed in, which also raises the grain.
Personally I water blast once a year, and recoat with aquadeck when needed (2 yearly usually).
Concrete paths i blast once a year also, and do not bother with products at all, but would after blasting if restoring a badly/never maintained patch.
Water blasters come in an extreme range of powers, it all depends on how grunty yours is, and how aggressive you are at using it(fan spray or point), i have cut 4x2's in half with a premium power unit.

jono450, Aug 30, 2:41am
incorrect ,if the job is done property, with the appropriate settings and care waterblasting is the best way.

lythande1, Aug 30, 2:58am
Waterblast, just don't hold it too close. Wet and Forget contains nasty chemicals, if you're okay with that, go ahead but someone had their pet nearly die recently from that stuff.

-bookzone-, Aug 30, 3:02am
W&F has another product specifically for decks, called 'Hit the Deck'.


golfdiver, Aug 30, 3:09am
The active ingredient in Wet and Forget is exactly the same as in every one of your household disinfectants.

freebutterflies, Aug 30, 4:05am
golfdiver. so, should we just spray some discinfectant on and it will do the same thing?

gpg58, Aug 30, 4:25am

jzasx, Aug 30, 9:48am
Sodium Hydroxide or food grade lye from an asian supermarket work's wonders when broomed in, it is also a wood preservative, you wont be left with any residue, just wear protective items and protect cloth's.

golfdiver, Aug 31, 1:58am
If you make it strong enough. You might need a lot of disinfectant though

debnz103, Sep 4, 12:25pm
We've just done ours for the first time using sodium percarbonate. Just dissolved in warm water, spray onto deck then use a short bristle outdoor broom give it a bit of a scrub then hose off the crud! Amazing results. I couldn't tell you when it was last cleaned . Maybe never cos it was pretty black.

mrfxit, Sep 5, 2:48am
We have 1 small section of footpath that builds up heavy moss on it every couple of years.
I just sprinkle std budget laundry powder on it & "walk away"
Kills it everytime.
Waterblasting won't move it without digging up the concrete & the 'proper' sprays have proved useless.

wendalls, Sep 23, 1:51am
if its a flat surface, then any of the above methods will probably work. if its grooved and full of crud then waterblasting was the only thing that worked for me. otherwise you need to scrub it and that wrecks the timber too. i think the sodium percarbonate worked on my not so dirty part from memory.
you can buy pool algicide for the strongest disinfectant mentioned above. dilute it at 1:20. countdown used to have it on half price special at about this time of year.