What is this plant please

elsielaurie1, Dec 22, 3:13am
I don't know what it's called, but we had one growing amongst our hedge. I think the birds must bring in the seed from 'somewhere'. Quite pretty, but ours didn't grow for more than a couple of years then disappeared.

kam04, Dec 22, 3:16am
Did yours fruit as well, if so, did the green fruit come to anything!

kateley, Dec 22, 3:17am
It's a native shrub, poroporo - grows quite prolifically from seed.I've got one on my boundary that I cut back regularly to keep it about 1.5m tall.

kateley, Dec 22, 3:18am
I don't think you can eat the fruit, they dont get much bigger but do turn orange, from memory.

kam04, Dec 22, 3:27am
Thank you. I've just googled poroporo and read all about it, cheers

kam04, Dec 22, 3:29am
Just googled poroporo and yes the fruit does turn orange but are poisonous

astroflight1, Dec 22, 3:41am

astroflight1, Dec 22, 3:45am
Negative on that.Some sites contain all info, so it is always worth to keep searching.Remember, anything on the net is just someone's opinion.Always best to continue your research, not stop just because you think you have found the answer.

Any time I am researching a plant, I visit a minimum of 8 sites and no less, to get all the info I can, and sift through the garbage left by incompetents.

spiritofgonzo, Dec 22, 4:07am
solanum laciniatum - poisonous - a weed

elsielaurie1, Dec 22, 7:00am
Solanum aviculare is the name given on the google images page.get's a bit tricky when there's more than 1 'correct' answer.

piquant, Dec 22, 7:56am
Both Solanum aviculare and laciniatum are pretty much identical - both being known as poroporo but laciniatum having very slightly bigger flowers, darker green leaves and more purple stems. It's splitting hairs really, as it could be either. Both are widespread over both islands.

spiritofgonzo, Dec 22, 9:02am
yep, thanks - and there are still some who argue that they are in fact the same plant.e.g. slightly lighter or darker flowers, slightly fatter leaves etc.These minor differences can all happen from different soils, different zones and different parent plants, but could be the same species.So either, either.

eigna, Dec 26, 8:52am
In my experience they spring up from no where and grow very fast - I let one grow big to see what it did but ended up cutting it out.Now whenever I see them I pull out the seedlings very quickly.Nothing but a weed in my opinion, much like the cherry blossoms that self seed everywhere.