Dry shade under the eaves, plant suggestions?

oh_hunnihunni, Aug 2, 2:25pm
I'm going to strip out my tiny front garden, except for the salvias that seem to be doing okay, and would quite like some suggestions for low maintenance but colourful plants to put in, instead of the tired old stuff that's in there now. I'm thinking echiums and euphorbias, lavenders, but some others would be good.

pleco, Aug 2, 2:32pm

dibble35, Aug 2, 6:27pm
Most of the ones you suggested wont do well in shade.
What about Clivias, theres some nice red and yellow ones out now.

golfdiver, Aug 2, 6:52pm

samanya, Aug 2, 9:07pm
Don't they need damp shade?

samanya, Aug 2, 9:10pm
Tall, small?
What about some of the modern type wall flowers, gazanias, arctotis & that sort of stuff?

oh_hunnihunni, Aug 2, 9:15pm
Tall. I like hacking back overgrowth every few months.

bassmo1, Aug 2, 9:20pm
I had lavender under the eaves in my last house, it was in full sun and I mostly forgot to water it in summer, it always reached up above the windowsills and then I had to hack at it. Pretty hardy stuff.

kindajojo, Aug 3, 4:21am
Renga renga lillies , chatam island daisy, will need watering . can you add irrigation then you only have to deal with the shade, ferns, grasses

oh_hunnihunni, Aug 3, 6:47pm
Yup, I'm tempted to put in lots of different colours.

starseeker, Oct 12, 9:11am
I have hollyhocks growing as high as the roof in this sort of situation. They come up each year (I do cut off the flower stalks once the seeds start to set as the seeds spread everywhere). Also have granny bonnets doing well - too well! So I cut off their seed heads too