How to dry Roses

angela09, Feb 20, 1:00am
Hi, my lovely Hubby got me a dozen red roses for Valentines Day (sooo surprised!).Anyway, I'd love to dry them, so does anyone know how to go about this, as I've never done this before.TIA.

twinklestar2, Feb 20, 1:03am
hang them upside down

harrislucinda, Feb 20, 1:55am
candry in themicrowavebutnotsureof thetimes

soph001, Feb 20, 1:55am
Yep, hang them upside down, not in sunlight, and preferably where there is a bit of a breeze.

angela09, Mar 15, 9:52pm
Thanks everyone, thought they had to be hung upside down, so will give it a go :-)Thanks again.