Can someone please help to identify this plant?

huntdean, Oct 13, 6:06pm

colin433, Oct 13, 7:26pm
got me beat, not much good with shrubs.

kateley, Oct 13, 8:24pm
It reminds me of a hydrangea but they are not usually just one stem.

spiritofgonzo, Oct 13, 9:04pm
How big are those individual leaves? If very small it could be a euonymus

harrislucinda, Oct 14, 4:39pm
that's what I thought when I first looked

colin433, Oct 14, 7:24pm
Now you mention euonymus, I think you could be right. Esp if the leaves a wee bit sticky

spider47, Oct 14, 9:24pm
I had a look on wikipedia. the euonymus appeared to have a more pointed leaf on there. but there are 130 of them. The ribs look even then same as pairs and the leaves are mostly alternating the same.
My first thought was hydrangea.

spiritofgonzo, Oct 14, 10:15pm
There are so many types. How big is the leaf please?

huntdean, Mar 6, 12:55pm
Thanks for all your help!
Small leaf, roughly 25~35mm width by 40mm~50mm
I believe it's a Euonymus Japonicus Green Rocket