Help identify fruit?

maclad, Dec 19, 7:43am
It appears to be a Paw Paw to me, perhaps Mountain Paw Paw

nick541, Dec 19, 7:44am
looks like pawpaw to me .

stevee6, Dec 19, 7:54am
Mountain pawpaw - very yummy.

dandaca69, Dec 19, 9:22am
Thanks. Have googled my heart out and its looking to be it. (:

astroflight1, Dec 21, 8:28am
Pawpaw, and obviously you have two of more trees, cause you have to.

ricp, Dec 21, 9:45pm
Not necessarily.
When I was a teenager a mate at school gave me three seeds of these mountain paw paw.
I ended up with a male, a female and one that had both male flowers and the female with fruit.
Our male one flowered in absolute masses just outside the kitchen window so the fragrance was amazing!
Now I've got Babacos which aren't as easy to grow but taste way better.

daleaway, Dec 26, 12:13pm
It's mountain pawpaw, which look and smell wonderful but are rather lacking in the taste department. You can add them to fruit salads.