Dutch Irises not flowering

fendie, Nov 9, 12:00pm
I shifted several of them because those long LONG leaves were so annoying and I kept tripping over them. now they are round the back of the house in lovely compost but possibly not enough sun. they still have those infuriatingly long leaves. I have pulled a few out (the leaves had died down) now where am I to go ! Anyone got a good idea of where to put them ? fairly small garden here and have been wandering around deciding I had nowhere to put them, useless of me, any ideas? thanks

zeta7, Nov 9, 2:47pm
mine have flowered and dead off

fendie, Nov 9, 11:17pm
thanks zeta7 and yes a few of mine flowered in the old part of the garden but I don't want them there, any ideas of a suitable place to put them ?

zeta7, Nov 9, 11:24pm
I also have small garden dont laugh but i cut the long untidy and the one that go on the path leaves off they still flower heaps

zeta7, Feb 17, 1:57am
mine get sun in raised bed I also have them in pots but dont grow that big