Passionfruit Vine over winter

beachboy61, Apr 28, 4:59pm
Ours is about 2.5m high now, but showing signs of upper leaves turning brown.
I've been advised to cut it back to about 1m high over the winter?

lythande1, Apr 28, 6:46pm
It will drop leaves and look rather sad. You cut back as passionfruit vines fruit on new growth, if you leave it, the fruit ends up further and further away from the main stem. not a big deal if it's fed adequately, but it will also require more room then.
So trim to suit.

tjma, Apr 29, 12:33am
What time of year do I trim it back?

arabelle, Apr 29, 7:01am
when its at its most naked, I think I did mine in July last year and took it back to about 2/3rds. right now mine has gone crazy and the vine is trying to grow all over the 3 bay garage, but I will take it back to where the trellis and frost cloth is. so about 2M high and 5M wide
I still got a good crop, with my first attempt at trimming it, and will do again to keep it happy

dbab, Nov 19, 1:50am
I'm amazed that I still have new flowers coming on mine. I didn't realise they flowered for so long.