Wool-carpet moths:

schnauzer11, Apr 12, 9:52am
Help! Checking under the bed in the spare room for the dog's ball-found a patch of previously pristine wool carpet chewed, with the casings of these critters. Also, the same day, a pair of sheepskin slippers in an open bag in another room, destroyed. I realise they will have flown by now, but what can I do to prevent further infestation?

fleur59, Apr 12, 12:18pm
i have started buying the moth traps from Countdown and spray flyspray in the drawers and cupboards reg. they have had a go at 2 duffle coats sitting in the back of wardrobe :-(

jiffy4, Apr 14, 11:34am
Need to get someone in to spray your carpet. We had bad carpet moth in wool carpet (lived in the bush, in Auckland), and the moth chewed it's way through carpet under furniture and around corners of room. Had to have it sprayed.

schnauzer11, Nov 26, 12:59pm
Thanks, jiffy. I've been doing some Googling and think you're right.