House plants with brown tips

moose4me, Feb 13, 12:41pm
Every house plant I seem to try and grow end up with brown tips, anyone have any ideas to why or any suggestions? Thanks

wasgonna, Feb 13, 1:28pm
Air too dry and warm (heatpump), overwatering maybe.

Names of plants could help.

vickyh1, Feb 13, 1:49pm
Sounds like overwatering.

Next time you water them, leave them till they're starting to show the first signs of dehydration, and note how many days that was. Subtract one day from that, and make that your watering interval. Plants do best under highly consistent conditions.

Or, do what I do and water the little buggers only when they deserve it, and ignore the brown bits and occasional fatalities!

maclad, Dec 25, 10:57am
Most likely overwatering. Kills more house plants than anything else.