We've moved to a new house in a new subdivision, we have a very small garden, so put strawberries in a container, but snaffled by possums. They eat the leaves down to stalks. They have eaten lettuce and today devoured a tub of polyyanthas, down to the bases. We have trapped 6 over the last few months. I have new bare garden (some for vegetables and another decorative) waiting to be planted in the next couple of weeks but am worried that whatever I plant will be eaten. Any suggestions with what vegetables they don't eat, or any flowering plant to avoid would be most appreciated.
Aug 5, 6:07am
Buy an electric fence unit and rig up around your vege garden on a timer so it just runs at night.
Possums are known to be opportunistic feeders and will eat a wide variety of plant species, including flowers. However, there are some flower species that possums are less likely to eat due to their strong scent, taste, or toxicity. Some flowers that possums are less likely to eat include:
Daffodils: The bulbs and flowers of daffodils contain lycorine, a toxic substance that can cause vomiting and diarrhea if ingested.
Lavender: The strong scent of lavender is a natural repellent for possums, making them less likely to eat the flowers.
Marigolds: The strong odor of marigolds is unpleasant to possums, and they are less likely to eat these flowers.
Geraniums: Geraniums contain a strong-smelling oil that possums find unappetizing.
Foxgloves: These tall, showy flowers contain toxins that are harmful to possums and can cause heart and respiratory problems.
Snapdragons: The bitter taste of snapdragons makes them unappealing to possums.
Rosemary: The strong scent of rosemary can deter possums from eating nearby plants, including flowers.
While these flowers may be less appealing to possums, it's important to remember that possums may still eat them if they are hungry enough or if there are no other food sources available. To protect your garden from possums, you may need to use additional methods such as fencing, netting, or repellents.
Aug 5, 6:09am
Or a high powered bb gun and a good led torch. Theseare virtually silent and wont upset the neighbours
Aug 5, 2:33pm
They'll keep coming back now they know there's a nice buffet at your place. When you say you've already trapped 6, are you already using a Timm's Trap as that's what I was going to suggest you use. From personal experience, dead possums make great fertiliser when buried in the garden.
If it was me I'd just hold off on planting up the garden for a while, keep using the trap, and contact your local council to see if they'll put togther a pest control plan for your subdivision. Do you know if other neighbours are having as much trouble as you? The more who complain to the council the more likely they'll be to take action.
Aug 5, 3:03pm
Probably some noxious weed you really don't want. Possums aren't too picky really. Haven't you got a dog? Borrow one.
Aug 5, 3:20pm
Try skunk shot - it deters the possums (well, the ones in my garden stay away from it!)
Aug 5, 4:26pm
Possums don`t like fish, spray plants with fish based liquid fert.
Aug 5, 6:30pm
I hear 1080s good.
Aug 5, 6:34pm
Apparently they don't like sheep smell either . maybe some sheep pellets scattered around? Found this https://nz.lifestyle.yahoo.com/better-homes-gardens/gardening/a/13035450/how-to-get-rid-of-possums/ & this "If you are plagued by pests of the furry kind, try these deterrents. For possums, mulch your garden with sheep dags - possums are said to be none to partial to the smell of lanoline. Or spray your garden with neem oil or pongy fish fertiliser to repel them. Though keep fish fertiliser off young plants as it can burn the leaves. Stockholm Tar, available from farm and equestrian suppliers, can be sprayed onto fence posts and tree trunks to deter possums. " Hope that helps. It's rabbits that I have a problem with!
Aug 6, 2:45am
Keep trapping. You need to get rid of the possums. They will eat ANYTHING that's worth growing, and most weeds as well.
Vodka and strawberry jam makes great bait. Get them used to eating it, and they will get hooked and rush to get into the trap.
It's also hilarious to watch them try and climb trees after eating it.
Aug 6, 5:50pm
(Discovers a new treat for tonight??
Aug 8, 11:20pm
Totally agree with the trapping. Keep onto it. They also like apple and cinnamon and peanut butter is great (if your not allergic) .
Aug 8, 11:27pm
I understand they hate the smell of lanolin so sheepswool spread about the plants is a deterrent.
Aug 10, 3:00am
I have been told they hate marigolds but suggest you keep trapping.
Aug 10, 3:49am
They don't like lead,especially from a long barrel.
Aug 10, 7:27am
I was told they get strands of sheeps wool stuck between their claws and that gets infected so they stay away from anything 'sheep like'.
Aug 10, 2:03pm
In a new house in a new subdivision. If you are having possom problems so are all the neighbours. Don't try and tackle this problem alone. I suggest you talk to all the neighbours. Get them trapping as well. Form a possom club! Bottle of wine for the best weekly tally. And as suggested above Timms are the best traps.
Aug 10, 3:30pm
They don't touch lettuce or polyanthus. You best find out what else you've got there. Slugs and snails love polyanthus. The sheep stuff is bs, that's why they often tuck down in shearing sheds etc
Aug 10, 3:38pm
Possums do a lot of grooming, like cats, so would pull the wool out from their claws. I think someone is trying to pull the wool.
Aug 10, 11:24pm
Use a Timms trap with half an apple in it. I'll bet my possum was surprised for 0.001 second!
Aug 10, 11:34pm
Grow in a glass house . put heating in & grow all year round &keep the critters out .
Aug 11, 5:14pm
Thanks for all your tips. What else would eat polyanthus? It was a large container full of flowers and in one night the whole container was stripped, all the leaves and flowers, all that was left were flower stalks and the bottom layer of leaves that were a bit brown. Surely too much for a rat in one sitting! Although we have caught 2 of them in the Timms trap but no possums after this devastation. Neighbours don't have a problem as we are the only ones that face the bush that have a garden. After they ate the strawberries last year they came back for the lettuce, but didn't make such a good job of it.
Aug 18, 8:39pm
get a large dog from the pound and just don't feed it.
Aug 21, 1:32am
Thanks for a laugh and some great Ideas not sure about wasting vodka on them :) If you do trap them once dead bury them and plant on top great under many plants Have a mate that has I think last time we talk 15 in a year in a built up area and always plants thing on top and the grow well there. I've got a cat that takes them on, my cat is a big mother of one but keep feeling she has a death wish. The bb gun who is going to sit and knock them off 1 at a time at night? My friend brought her yellow trap from council for 50.00 says a great purchase and uses apple in it.
Aug 22, 2:29pm
Marijuana. They hate them. Plant about a dozen small marijuana plants around your property and you will soon not have to worry about possoms.
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