Can anyone on the Kapiti Coast help with identifying two plants. The first is a flaxlike looking plant with magnificent cream flowers ( nearing the end of flowering now) carried on a spike about a meter long. The leaves are spikey and sharp at the tip. Aclump is on the seaward side of Marine Parade near the shops. The second is a mass planting of sedge/grass like plants in shades of brown with orange tinges on the right hand side of the airport building across the road. These plants are as a mass planting up on a mound and there are two of these mounds planted out. Information most appreciated.
May 21, 1:04pm
The flaxlike one may beYucca elephantipes (sp)
May 21, 4:43pm
I live in that area, so will take a look when passing.
The airport building - can't figure out what you mean by "right hand side/across the road". Where exactly in relation to the terminal entrance?
The flowering one looks like Yucca Filamentosa, if you google it. Could the other be Carex Testacea (Orange Sedge)?
May 22, 12:40am
Or maybe Amenanthele lessoniana?
May 22, 1:29am
The photos I posted are the actual Paraparaumu plants OP is asking about.
May 22, 2:12am
Sorry late getting back but yes both those plants are the ones I would like the names of. Grateful thanks for taking the pics. We have just moved to the coast from Marlborough clay so looking for plants that don' t mind the full blast of salt laden winds as we are now living across the road from the beach and gardening in sand will be a real challenge. I really liked both of those plants but couldn't identify them. Our focus in the garden to be developed is to be native plants that will do okay in this esposed situation. I don't mind a few suitable exotics though. Thanks everyone.
May 22, 5:52am
Although I'm further back now, I used to live across the road from the P'ram beach too. I've taken the easy way and have gone for astelias, grasses, succulents, yuccas (which have gone berserk), and even a few of the dreaded agapanthus. With the water metering we now have, they've all survived with a lot less water than I used to give them.
May 25, 4:55am
Thanks kaddiew for your suggestions. I like astelias so will try a few. The grasses will be good. Any in particular? Yes the water metering needs to be factored in too so things that can grow without too much of the liquid stuff sound the way to go.
May 26, 3:46pm
I don't have many grasses (can't recall the name, sorry). I just grabbed whatever was on special at the local Mitre10, where they have a decent garden centre. When I moved here all the gardens were in bark, which I loathe, but at least it helps retain moisture. My neighbour has all rose gardens, which do extremely well in this sandy soil.
May 30, 4:34pm
Is that picture of a Yucca not Yucca gloriosa?
Dec 27, 3:41pm
Could be. It also looks exactly like googled photos of Yucca Filamentosa in flower.
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