Dianthus plants

scout_6001, Aug 22, 9:10pm
I have a lot of dianthus plants which have been in a couple of years, but now look a bit woody and need separating. When is the best time to do this?

rainrain1, Aug 22, 9:54pm
do it now, they will be ok.

scout_6001, Aug 22, 10:37pm
Thanks rainrain

kids4ever, Aug 22, 11:06pm
I have heaps also and have just split all mine up

samsnan, Aug 22, 11:21pm
I take to each one of mine with scissors and trim them right down then throw a small handful of sheep pellets over them. Over the next 4 to 6 weeks you just watch them grow before your eyes. Over the flowering season each time they finish flowering I give them a light haircut and they come away again.

scout_6001, Oct 19, 8:53pm
Thanks everyone, I will get into the garden today and sort them out.