Green Tomatoes

poppit15, Jan 15, 7:52am
I have plenty of tomatoes but they are still green and showing little sign of ripening. Plants are healthy, watered everyday. Any suggestions.

arielbooks, Jan 15, 8:00am

issymae, Jan 15, 8:23am
heard on radio talk back; need potash to help ripen

harrislucinda, Jan 15, 8:25am
mine are still green dont panic

smallwoods, Jan 15, 8:53am
Send the wife in and get her to take her clothes off, they will turn red blushing.

BUT a word of warning, watch out if you have cucumbers close.
Mine grew massively, haven't figured out why yet?

lythande1, Jan 15, 12:11pm
I pulled one plant out, showing signs of some disease. I kept the green tomatoes and and a week-ish later they ripened.
But best to wait before picking. they'll get going when they are ready.

oh_hunnihunni, Jan 16, 6:44pm
Mine come off soon as they blush. Not because of my naughty nudies - but my beastly blackbirds, lol.

russell.s.c, Jan 12, 7:17am
Aunt Daisy's book has a recipe for green tomato chutney/relish and it's very good but it's too early yet to worry. Toms ripen as late as April/May.