NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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juliewn, Oct 28, 6:20am
Currently my veges are planted around the sides of this house, and two sheds. broad beans are ready, plus carrots, parsnips, beetroot, lettuce's, cabbages and cauli's and broccoli soon. I had cauli's and broccoli go to seed because I just wasn't getting to use them. my 18 year old Daughter has taken over the cooking - thankyou Jenni. :-). and I'm working on painting, completing the rest of installing the Batts, then I can fix the Gibboard to the walls, then do skirtings, architraves and scotia's. and then more painting before I do the wallpapering. it's busy I am!

whiskey13, Oct 28, 5:26pm
Adding to my post @ #812, over the long weekend, i added brussel sprouts and beetroot to my veg patch.And fenced it off so the dog doesn't dig them up.(like he did to my spuds in tyres the other day,plants are o.k but the dogs bum is a bit sore!)

bean21, Oct 28, 5:36pm
Whiskey 13. where did you get a peanut plant from! and how do you grow them, what soil do they like etc etc etc:) I would love to try one in my garden

simplesean, Oct 30, 4:20pm
yeah. where do you get growable peanuts from!

whiskey13, Oct 30, 6:22pm
Hi guys Well i was told that you can just use a raw shelled peanut, that you can buy at BinnInn for 69 cents per 100gms and stick it in the ground. Mine have been in for about 4 weeks and nothings come up yet, but another poster in another thread has said her's didn't pop out for 4 weeks and all of a sudden they were there. Someone else has said to use raw peanuts that are still in their shell, so i'll try that way as well.

jules., Oct 30, 10:12pm
we were on page 4!
everyone must be very busy in the garden :)

javlin, Nov 1, 3:38am
Hi everyone Peach 50 asks about our water tank-it holds just over 5,000 litres. We got it from a farm supplies shop. It cost about $1500.00 We were putting in a new fence and got the builder to level the ground. He then spread out a load of sand and we set the tank onto that. The weight of the water keeps it in place. It is connected to a large shed via a downpipe and has an outlet tap at the bottom. It measures 2.5 m across. It was quite costly but we love our garden and have severe water restrictions in the summer. (No waterng at all from town supply for a couple of months)

javlin, Nov 1, 3:41am
we are now waiting for it to rain to fill the tank up. The flow will not be as great as town supply but will certainly be better than no water!

javlin, Nov 1, 3:55am
I have been very busy in the last few weeks digging over a big area for veges. Over the last few days we planted the following seedlings: sweet corn, lettuce, tomato, silver beet, chinese cabbage, pumpkin (two sorts) brussel sprouts, leeks, celery, basil, kumera, cucumber, courgette, broccoli, chives, asparagas and red pepper. We have also recently sown: beetroot, carrot, beans, and peas.
We also have growing potatoes, parsly, nz spinach, parsnip, spring onions, radish and rhubarb.Tonight for tea we had scrambled egg, with fresh basil, spring onion, lettuce, radishes, silverbeet and leeks all from the garden and bought potatoes and carrot.

javlin, Nov 1, 4:01am
In the fruit line we have, apple, plums, fejoa, lemon, grape, lemonade, cape goosberry, strawberries, raspberies, tayberries, black current, passion fruit, peach, pepino, tamarillo. We have a few herbs too.

jules., Nov 1, 10:06pm
our chooks are producing well, we have the 3 chooks, only 2 are laying at the moment, the 3rd is due to start in a couple of weeks. we had our first lot of 'home grown' eggs yesterday morning for breakie in the way of french toast, YUM! the kids have started picking the podded peas and the sugar snaps, they dont even make it in the door before they are gobbled up! cant wait for all the other veges to come along. the brocollis got almost tennis ball sized heads, the carrots are doing nicely too.

jules., Nov 1, 10:07pm
how long till the potatoes that i planted pop thru please! they have been in for a week and no sign of green as yet.

whiskey13, Nov 2, 1:56am
Don't panic jules mine took a couple of weeks before they popped throu, now i'm mounding them up every 3-4 days.The first flowers are just starting to develop so it won't be long now

peach50, Nov 2, 2:58am
thanks thanks Jalvin for the information on water tanks. Something to consider for my garden.

ords, Nov 2, 3:25am
My tunnel house is humming along. Eating lettuce grown from seed and our cauli and brocolli all planted in the autumn. The outside garden is humming along. planted some marigolds to help the veges out. Most of the main crop of spuds are up. The strawberries are in awesome shape and growing well. I really need to put some straw around them so they arn't touching the soil.Still need to put parsnip seeds in and I want to plant more brassica and carrots. All good!

I bought corn today. Have planted half in the tunnel house and half outdoors. don't know anythiing about growing corn so here's hoping it takes. I think I may have smothered a few tho. Still would ideally like some fruit trees. eating apples and plum trees mainly. Not a lot grows here in the south.

colonel_nig, Nov 2, 5:38pm
Well, finally got some help from hubby to finish the vege garden and have planted everything I've been raising in the hothouse. Was feeling very pleased with myself until this morning-it's raining. Just when I'd planted the tomatoes. Last year with all the rain my tomatoes all got the blight and had to be destroyed. Any hints on how to prevent it!(Hi Javelin-how's things!)

kitkarlie, Nov 2, 7:29pm
NZ Gardener - Homegrown 3 magazine Who's got their copy of Homegrown 3: Harvest your own fresh herbs! I picked mine up at the supermarket yesterday!

simplesean, Nov 2, 10:46pm
bump. on page 4 again! It must be spring.

juliewn, Nov 3, 6:17am
Hi Everyone.

Sean. how is your orchard coming along. I remember you're establishing a new orchard. hope all is growing well for you.

whiskey13, Nov 3, 3:04pm
ords. I don't know if your corn in the tunnel house will do any good, as it is a wind pollinator meaning that the wind blows it around and the pollin falls down to pollinate itself. Would be interest to hear how you get on.Good luck. Homegrown corn is just the best. lol

simplesean, Nov 3, 3:38pm
Hi julie, I have put in 6 unique feijoas, a dwarf peach, a dwarf nectarine, a meyer lemon, a tahitian lime, a mandarin, a kaffir lime, a lemonade lemon, a little wee loquat seedling i got from my grandparents tree, a male and a female cocktail kiwifruit, a passionfruit vine, a whole lot of comfrey, and have some blackcurrant and chilean guava cuttings coming along nicely. *takes deep breath* Also a gooseberry bush, a coffee plant, a blueberry bush (which I think might have died) and lots of rosemary. The place looks like a mess still, but it's coming together, we've taken out lots of weeds and vines etc since we moved in. I wish I'd put in an apple tree or two. The neighbours have a few promising looking plum trees with loads of green fruit on them at the mo. might have to go introduce myself ;)

ords, Nov 3, 7:53pm
Thanks whiskey, I will plant the remainder outdoors then. We are apparently in for a long, hot and dry summer (yay) which is rare down here and a big up on the 11 days of constant sunshine that we had last summer lol. I updated our sprinkler today, considering I didnt have one lol.Im trying a few new things this year, including watermelon lol. meh, it will either grow or it wont haha.

whiskey13, Nov 3, 8:45pm
Yeh I'm trying watermelon too. And Luffa.
I try and grow something different each year.

jules., Nov 3, 11:44pm
i have just discovered a loquat tree growing in a garden here. it must have grown from seed, its about 40cm tall.
how long do they take to get big enough to fruit! oh and can i move it!
thanks :)

jules., Nov 4, 1:16am
thanks javelin, ive never grown spuds before, but am keeping the garden watered well every day and weve had a spell of showers over the last couple of days so that saves on the tap water too, and is beter for the garden aswell :)