Horse Manure for Gardens. Hey guys i39m not a gardener but i do have horses which means i have a mountain of manure sitting in a
Feb 8, 10:05pm
Hey guys, I'm not a gardener, but I do have horses which means I have a mountain of manure sitting in a pile at any one time.
Can someone please let me know, when is the best times of year for me to let gardeners know I have this mountain - when would they be potentially wanting some for a garden! I'm forever trying to get rid of it, so it would be good to know when they may be looking.
Feb 8, 10:22pm
Before planting. Late winter, early spring. Is it off paddocks or mixed with hay out of stables, I'd avoid stable manure - too many seeds.
I fill 20L buckets with old horse poop, then fill it up with water, and leave it for a year. It generates incredible heat and kills off most seeds/weeds.stinks, but the garden loves it :)
Feb 8, 11:06pm
Or add it to your compost, and let it cook the seed out.
Feb 9, 1:17am
No its all clean off the paddocks, and the paddocks have a weed programme. If is out of stables it has wood chip in it but I pile that seperate.
Feb 27, 12:53pm
It doesn't take long to turn into great compost, if you have the space. Some people won't touch it because of the tetanus danger, but those who keep their tetanus shots up to date are pretty safe! If you make compost, you can include the wood chip.just keep out manure from medicated horses.
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