A peony's fertilizer needs change depending on the stage of its life cycle. Experts recommend adding compost or other organic matter to the bottom of the peony's planting hole. Mixing it with up to 1/2 cup of 10-10-10 fertilizer, as well as 1/2 cup of bone meal or superphosphate, also prepares the soil to support healthy peony growth.
Phosphorus and nitrogen are important nutrients for a peony over its lifetime. You must ensure proper levels each year so that your plants will grow as they should and produce vivid blooms. Apply a low-nitrogen fertilizer -- a 5-10-10 blend, for instance -- to the soil around the peony stem. This should also help keep phosphorus levels steady, but test your soil every few years to make sure you're feeding your peonies correctly. Adding bone meal or phosphate fertilizer occasionally assists in strong root growth and flower set.
Peonies require fertilization in the spring after growth has begun and stems are roughly 2 to 3 inches high.
Jul 27, 10:13am
they wont flower well in the winterless north i dont think
Jul 27, 10:15am
they wont flower well in the winterless areas i dont think-they need real winters to flower well
Jul 27, 11:24am
I have two plants in Hamilton which flower reasonably well. They are in a shaded spot. Large chunks of ice (knocked off the freezer walls) applied to the ground in winter. Last year I half-filled milk bottles with water & froze these to apply instead of ice, & re froze the bottles every few days to mimic the cold climate where these beautiful plants come from. They seem to need that cooling to make them hibernate.
Jul 28, 5:38pm
Yes, potato fertilizer is recommended for them.
Oct 11, 2:04am
I used to mulch mine in winter with well rotted horse manure and compost, and water when growing with garden tea. They were huge plants and heavy bloomers.
Always amused me that these gorgeous things were polinated by blowflies.
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