Stopping cats crap in gardens

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male_timaru, Jan 17, 5:54am
easiest cheapest solution please - getting fed up of bloody cat crap each time i try to sift through soil ready to plant next lot of veggies

dbb, Jan 17, 6:07am
See they are provided with a good cat toilet and they'll give up on the garden.Cats are a bit like humans -- they prefer a private, clean and practical toilet.I provide my own cats and the neighbourhood's with a large patch of beach sand running alongside a hedge.It's big enough that it never needs cleaning out, just raking over to get rid of weeds or wind-blown rubbish.And except for finding some shade to lie in, drinking out of water bowls (which are also for birds to use), or for stalking the birds, the moggies never touch my vege garden because the sand is so much better for them to use than soil.

male_timaru, Jan 17, 6:10am
great if you have that option . i don't . next


thanks all the same

usdefault, Jan 17, 6:36am

dbb, Jan 17, 6:51am
What!You have a vege garden but couldn't get hold of a bag of sand!

cj707, Jan 17, 10:32am
Try mulching it with something like lawn clippings or sawdust or get one of those water sprayers witha sensor.

lythande1, Jan 17, 12:02pm
1)Get your own cat
2)Encourage neighbours to have their own garden
3)Dig it in - it's manure

hanmer, Jan 17, 1:32pm
my problem is the birds!every morning i have my pathways full of the woodchips because the birds forage down by the borders!

nitronz, Jan 17, 2:34pm
thats why i never have bark or woodchip.i always use pebble.less mess

pandaeye, Jan 17, 2:43pm
you know which house! pick it up and throw it over the fence.

countrybumpkinz, Jan 17, 5:02pm
like dbb I also have sand, our cat goes there and it's near the vegetable garden which he never goes toilet in.A bag of sand from a garden center isn't that expensive.

male_timaru, Jan 17, 5:03pm

I don't have the extra space to provide a litter box for someone else's animal and i want to DISCOURGAE cats from coming onto my property - NOT ENCOURAGE THEM

dbb, Jan 17, 6:24pm
Calm down -- no need to SHOUT!

I did say, "See they are provided.," not "Provide your cats with.", and didn't incorrectly assume you were talking about your own cats.

Talk the owners into doing the right thing for their cats.Some dog owners are equally irresponsible and their dogs end up crapping on lawns for people to walk on and kids to roll in.Nice!

On the other hand, if you have stray cats around, to get rid of the problem you *will* have to provide the toilet or repellent or plant and soil protection or death machine.

m41, Jan 17, 8:07pm
1 - Ask you neighbour to keep her pets inside and provide food litter boxes etc as lettuce & cat ppo garnich isn`t ediable
2 in Failing this get the cage then call the SPCAsimple!

laura_lou27, Jan 17, 8:54pm
i read somewhere about cayenne pepper, i put this around the vege garden and havent seen them since. I also had someone sugest putiing sticks in the garden poking out so cat cant squat

mottly, Jan 17, 9:18pm
borrow someone's dog for 24hrs

male_timaru, Jan 17, 9:33pm
I like the last suggestion - and was emphasising not shouting (sorry lol)

mushroom990, Jan 17, 9:57pm
I have a similar problem, neighbours cats craping in my garden. Get gloves then you dont touch it. Change your mindset, its free manure. As for a dog, theres one here, the cats still do it. If you poison them you just upset people and there are of other cats.

usdefault, Jan 17, 10:40pm

ventsure1, Jan 18, 12:28am
I have the same problem with all the neighbourhood cats in our kids sandpit. Its only been a couple of weeks but, I got the "NO" brand dog and cat repellent works really well so far.

amie10, Jan 18, 2:46am
had a similar drama. Turned into a shit storm!

pandaeye, Jan 18, 3:06am
only idiots who can't type "cat containment system" into their search bar use the excuse you cannot stop cats from wandering. laziness and selfish attitude towards other people's property is the main reason why some people let their animals wander/ crap/ terrorised other animals.

amie10, Jan 18, 3:19am
Yep. Then you will get all the hairy hippies going on thats its not fair on the cat etc and you should spend lots of $$ yourself to solve the problem {which I did in the end} to solve to problem.

liamjosh, Jan 18, 3:21am
I have two cats and this was a real pain, I invested in some of those chicken wire frames, I put them over my seedlings until they are big enough not to be dug up and I cover any open dirt areas with them as well.Don't have a problem anymore and the only time I do is when I don't use them.There is an expense initially but they last forever if looked after and are practical.

lulu123, Jan 18, 7:03pm
Lemons - slice up lemons and scatter round the garden.Worked for me!