NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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fly04buy, Oct 7, 8:25am
I am making paper pots by rolling narrow sheets of newspaper around a small jar, folding the bottom so when the seedlings are big enough I can plant the whole thing in the garden.

bean21, Oct 7, 1:03pm
is it too late to put up phermone (spelling) traps now around my orchard! and can anyone advise me on the approximate cost of these things! Hopefully not too expensive.

jules., Oct 8, 4:16am
we did the potting today, and as i thought, i got very definate instructions. she sat on the bag of potting mix while i potted 20+ of her tomato seedlings, a few cucumbers, capsicums, courgettes, gherkins, apple cucumbers. she really wanted to help, but cant do much with her left hand :(now i just have to finish getting the garden ready before labour weekend and they can all go in the garden :)

juliewn, Oct 9, 2:05am
Bumping for you. so someone can help.

jardinet, Oct 10, 3:20am
Now's the perfect time to hang those traps I'm putting mine up tomorrow.

books4nz, Oct 10, 6:33am
Hi - is it too late to plant asparagus - not for harvesting this season - for future seasons! If not, where would I try to be able to purchase some, or is it too late to buy plants and seeds would best! Thanks.

juliewn, Oct 11, 5:01am
Hi Lynda. :-) I was watching a video I'd taped from some time ago, and it had part of one of your "Ground Rules" TV gardening programmes. and I'm wondering. could you and the other NZ Gardener people create a garden show for TV that includes growing veges, fruits and herbs. it would beautifully compliment your NZ Gardener Magazine, Homegrown Books and the Get Growing Emails. and after seeing the threads here at times hoping for a gardening programme on TV, I'd guess it would be very popular. Hoping so. Cheers. Julie

juliewn, Oct 11, 6:33am
Hi Everyone.
Jules. I hope your Daughter's arm is healing well - and that you're following her instructions with her garden!

I bought a grafted aubergine and a grafted capsicum a couple of weeks ago - have them inside at night and outside during the day, and am very impressed with the rate of their growth - both had a couple of flowers on when I brought them home - they now have many flowers, and there's a small fruit on each plant already.
I'm glad I haven't planted them out yet - we had a fairly heavy frost here last night - hope there aren't any more of those.

simplesean, Oct 11, 2:17pm
# 804 I second that.

stevee6, Oct 11, 3:14pm
I third, fourth and fifth it(being greedy). Plus visits to real gardens grown by ordinary people with weeds & stuff as well as flashes of brilliance. The beautiful gardens are wonderful to aspire to, but these are the gardens we relate to - our sort of gardens!

jules., Oct 11, 10:51pm
thanks juliewn, her arm is doing fine, but the lack of things she can do without it is becoming trying for us all :)
i have been bringing the seedlings out in the sun the last 2 days, its amazing how fast they grow when thier roots have more room to move in the bigger pots.
roll on labour weekend when i can plant them in the garden.
i am considering digging up a patch of lawn to plant more spuds and the cougettes so they dont take up all of my raised garden.

whiskey13, Oct 12, 8:41pm
O.K. is this normal. I'm planting my spuds in tyres this year and started on the 15th Sept and I've only just covered them with their first mounding up on Sat(11th), 4 weeks after planting. It's taken this long for them to grow big enough to mound up. They get the morning sun and early afternoon sun but no sun in the mid to late afternoon.Am wondering if it's "normal" for them to be a bit slow if they don't get "all day" sun.And their still in their first tyre was hoping to go 3-4 high(thats gonna take forever)

ords, Oct 13, 2:05am
Hi all, not a lot to report here. I need to start off some new seedlings. Weather is fantastic down here at the moment and really starting to warm the soil up.

juliewn, Oct 13, 3:56am
Hello everyone. hope your gardens are growing well. lots planted here, more still to plant, after being away soon, so can be here to care for them.

Hi Whiskey. I saw in another thread that you're moving to your land soon - I hope it goes well - and that the transfer of your fruit trees from their pots to be part of your new orchard goes beautifully.

Enjoy your new home. :-)

Growing tomatoes, capsicums and basil from seeds is still a work-in-progress here. meaning that I still have much to learn - the seedlings are in the 'ok' category. some extra nursing needed before planting outside.

Enjoy your gardens.

juliewn, Oct 13, 9:09am
Hi Whiskey. my potatoes have grown at about the same rate. I've mounded them a few days ago and they're just starting to show a touch of green leaf coming through again. They would be the equivalent of one tyre high so far. These are intended for Christmas. so am hopefull there'll be some ready.

whiskey13, Oct 13, 5:02pm
Thanks for that juliewn was begining to think i was a potatoe growing failure

javlin, Oct 13, 7:04pm
Hi everyone, haven't been here for a while. With the current economic situation I've been thinking more about extending my self sufficiency beyond the garden. We have installed a water tank and have chooks. Does anyone here produce their own flour, cheese, honey etc! Sorry if this is a lttle OT.

jules., Oct 14, 7:11pm
i have been out weeding and composting the strawberries, with a rain jacket on in a shower untill the rain got too heavy and drove me back inside. bugger the rain, its always raining on my days off and when i want to get out in the garden!
so i will sit here and read about what everyone else is up to :)

juliewn, Oct 15, 7:07am
Hi Javlin. :-). I think one of the people who post in the Recipe messageboard mills her own flour. maybe asking there too might help. I've been thinking of having hens too - once the building of our new home are finished. How are you finding hens to look after. thanks for help.

jules., Oct 17, 3:32am
hehe, i guess you all have had good weather and have been able to get out in the garden and not sit on here :)

whiskey13, Oct 17, 4:37am
Hi javlin. I'm not doing too bad with the self sufficiency, if you count family cos between my place and mum and dad's, we have:honey, eggs, corn, radishes, salads, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, peas, spuds, asparagus, tomatoes, yams, carrots, parsnips, caulis, broccoli, chillis, pumpkin, rhurbarb, watermelon, leeks, silverbeet, gooseberries, raspberries. I think thats it but I'm not sure.Oh and peanuts!

whiskey13, Oct 17, 4:38am
Oh and i forgot jerusalem artichokes too

allnall, Oct 17, 11:50pm
Hi everyone was out in the garden today doing a bit of this and that and i found a old washhouse sink the metal kind, was wondering if i could use this to make a worm farm. been after one for ages look forward to reading any adivse thanks

juliewn, Oct 18, 5:32am
Hiya Jules.
I wish I'd been outside! Has been rainy and with thunder storms - and beautiful rainbows. am away tomorrow, so planning for more garden time after that.
I hope your daughter's arm is healing well.

Have s great week everyone. :-)

whiskey13, Oct 20, 7:03am
Hi Whiskey. I saw in another thread that you're moving to your land soon - I hope it goes well - and that the transfer of your fruit trees from their pots to be part of your new orchard goes beautifully.

Enjoy your new home. :-)

Thank you, we have plans for the chicken coup, berry patch, orchard, glasshouse, and vege garden.

I'm starting to get itchy feet