NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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tehenga288, Sep 30, 5:14pm
I've had a good lot of broccoli grown in my containers but the caulis haven't amounted to anything - been making do with micro greens tho. Don't have to worry about all the rain with them - pouring here again today!

Heard the weatherman on the radio this week predicting a warmer than usual Spring so that will get the gardens off to a good startYippee

whiskey13, Sep 30, 5:38pm
Already done stevee My mesclun salad mix went in 2 weeks ago today, I brought a big ice bucket from the Warehouse and my partner drilled holes in the bottom for me.Looks very affective sitting on "pot feet" on the veranda.Gets part shade from the lemon tree at the hottest part of the day

jules., Oct 1, 3:17am
bump. did anyone vote for gardener of the year!

pisces_1, Oct 1, 4:22am
Hi guys. Yep I got a vege garden. but more wondering about the main one. would pebbles/rocks in between bigger plants eg lilies, tropical sorta- plants be better or the black mondo grass! Been thinking about it quite a bit, but really I don't know, I want a low maintenance garden. I have those dragon trees, yukka type which loses quite a lot of stick type leaves. would it be better chopping off heaps of those & having pebbles! Our front garden gets covered in those yukka-type leaves. Any suggestions welcome :-)

goodbooks, Oct 3, 4:43am
I'm growing tomatoes from seeds for the first time - and am thrilled to have every one of the seeds start growing in the little punnets that I've gotset out in a bigger tray. Even a seed that dropped outside the punnets, and must have got in a little seed raising mix, has sprouted! I'm putting the tray of punnets outside during the day, and bringing them in at night - and am looking forward to planting them out in a few weeks - and hopefully to enjoying our own tomatoes for Christmas! Thanks to everyone for all of the tomato growing info. that's been included in the thread.

jules., Oct 3, 3:40pm
morning all, of course its raining today, is my ONLY day off this week :( not to worry, will re pot the seedlings into bigger containers today, they are all looking really great.

jules., Oct 3, 3:43pm
can anyone tell me please. can i train my gherkin plants to grow up a trellis! i put them in the garden last year and trained them to grow over the rock wall, but they take up so much room. i have a trellis im going to put up and was going to put the beans on it, but thought i may be able to use it for both!

whiskey13, Oct 3, 4:41pm
jules. When I'm in the garden and want to do something. The first thing i do is ask myself why cant i do this or that, so why cant you grow your gerkins up a trellis!

jules., Oct 3, 4:49pm
hehe, i always seem to ask, but generally before i have any answers, i go out and do it anyway :) so will give it a go. they say you can grow cucumbers up so i dont really see the difference, thanks :)

whiskey13, Oct 3, 8:14pm
Now it's my turn to ask a question. I have 4 car tyres that were given to me last year. I grew my spuds in them and are doing it again this year.Have already put the 2nd tyre on,but to make the stack abit more interesting for next year, when i dismantle the stack after this year, i would like to paint the outside of each tyre a different colour so as i stack them on top of each other, their'll look pretty cool and is some thing a bit different to look at.Now what i need to know is, would a test pot from the paint shop be enough for each tyre and would i need to get all weather type paint. HELP

books4nz, Oct 4, 11:55pm
Jules - I've grown cucumbers up a netting fence - your gherkins will do well - and they'll stay clean too. Whiskey - one of the testpots would probably cover a standard car tyre. Resene's often have a coupon on the back of supermarket dockets, with a buy-one, get one free offer for their testpots. They'll be able to recommend which type of paint would be best - I'd think the paint would stick to the tyres as the swan shapes made from tyres are often painted white. Pisces - you could use either pebbles or the black mondo grass - you could include lillies in either, as they'd come up each season through the pebbles or grass. Daffodils, freesia's, etc would be good too. You could use whichever you prefer the look of - or use a combination of both the pebbles and grass - maybe in a swirl shape or any shape you'd like to include.

books4nz, Oct 4, 11:58pm
Has anyone grown Earth Gems! we're looking for some different plants to grow - - they sound interesting and there are some listed on Trademe. I'm wondering what they taste like too.

books4nz, Oct 5, 12:29am
I forgot to ask - has anyone grown any of the dwarf citrus trees that are available - I saw oranges andgrapefruit at a garden centre last week - they reach about 1.5m and are grafted onto a rootstock that limits their size. Sounds interesting and would be easier to grow a wider variety of fruit on an urban section. Would be interesting to hear whether they fruit well. Thanks.

books4nz, Oct 5, 12:35am
They also had a new lemon - with a name something like Monterino - the fruit are huge - the size of two grapefruit, though lemon shaped - they had one cut open - it's enormous! She said the juice is very tangy.

jules., Oct 5, 4:32am
Can I grow blueberries in Whangarei! If so does anyone know a good variety please! How big do they grow!

simplesean, Oct 5, 6:46pm
BUMP. It had dropped to 136 ! I harvested my first spuds today. I put them in mid July in my glasshouse and today I did some investigatory digging and found heaps of big ones.Salad & New potatoes for tea tonight. yum!

imrae1, Oct 5, 7:39pm
Lucky you Mine are outside in tyres and they have flowers, so not long to wait now

bjkiwi, Oct 6, 1:04am
my cocktail kiwi got frosted .sigh.

jules., Oct 6, 3:05am
Yeah, I got some good fresh sheep poo yesterday, its festering nicely in a few buckets of water.
Man the things us keen vege gardners get excited over!
Now Im after some seaweed too, will smell extra great around here, hehe.

juliewn, Oct 6, 6:01am
Hi Everyone. Ohhh BjKiwi. I hope your vine recovers well. I found, to my delight tonight, that one of our peach trees - a Golden Haze - has little fruit on. What a feeling! lol. why has it taken me so long to plant fruit trees here.

juliewn, Oct 6, 8:25am
Ohhh. that sounds very good. mine have not been in long - I mounded soil over them for the first time this afternoon - and planted some of the Urenika Maori Potatoes. hopefully they'll be ready for Christmas.

pixiegirl, Oct 6, 3:50pm
hi javlin sorry haven't been on for a while, just saw your message about companion planting and have just printed off for reading tonight.Many thanks for your help.

stevee6, Oct 6, 5:30pm
Whiskey - that's great! Now don't forget to start at least one more in the next week or so - that way as it comes into flush you can finish off the first one, ruffle up the soil and begin again.

jules., Oct 7, 2:54am
ohhhhhhhhhh, ive lost my smallest, best gardening helper for a while. my 7 year old daughter broke her arm yesterday! so will have to re pot her seedlings for her while she gives me her directions on how to do it properly :)

goodbooks, Oct 7, 6:49am
I've planted some Urenika Potatoes too - and am very much looking forward to trying them - roll on summer!