NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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juliewn, Sep 15, 6:00am
Hi Everyone. :-). I remember those exploding bottles of ginger beer too. Want an easy way to make it! Half fill a 1.5 litre clean plastic fizzy bottle with cold water. Add the juice of one lemon and a level tsp of ground ginger. Lid on and shake well until the sugar is dissolved. Top up till a few cm's from the top with cold water, and add 6 sultana's or raisins. Lid on and place in a warm place until the bottle feels tight. at this time of year, just a few days. Chill, and your ginger beer is ready to enjoy. To make lemonade! Leave the ginger out and make in the same way.

juliewn, Sep 15, 6:01am
Making just what is needed is best so you can use a bottle or two at a time. I made a dozen bottles at once a few years ago. The first ones were great, however most of them got very tight, to the extent that one fizzed strongly - and onto the kitchen bench when I opened it, so the rest were opened outside - by the time they were all opened, I was drenched in ginger beer! I've learn from that! I make just one or two bottles at a time, which is easy to do. Enjoy. :-)

whiskey13, Sep 15, 8:32am
Hello bjkiwi i brought a punnet of 6 tomatoe plants on 21st August and was told by the man behind the counter"you know the tomatoes(I'd also brought a blueberry)should be put in the glasshouse cos it's still too cold for them outside" Well i potted them into slightly bigger pots and in the morning i bring them outside into the sun and bring them indoors at night. They all need re potting into bigger pots,and on Labour weekend they'll go out into the garden. All you need to do is take them out in the morning and back in at night.

simplesean, Sep 15, 4:06pm
the bottle we "opened" was a glass one. I also have a 3 litre plastic bottle full. but i will give that to my mother in law to open this time ;)

marge_s, Sep 15, 4:09pm
Bahahaha! Thanks for the morning laugh simplesean :)

stevee6, Sep 15, 4:17pm
I haven't made ginger beer for years! A friend in Nelson usually had some on the go made in old plastic fizz bottles - very refreshing! We don't have a warming cupboard though - I guess I'll have to think outside the square.

bjkiwi, Sep 15, 5:13pm
juliewn - should the ginger beer have any suger in it!

daleaway, Sep 15, 7:35pm
We make a ginger beer recipe using brewer's yeast and it makes six large plastic bottles at a time. We have never had explosive problems - except when we take half a dozen bottles to parties or barbecues. Then people are very keen to get into it, and ignore our recommendation to let it sit for half an hour to calm down after its car trip. Whoosh! when the bottle tops come off. Told you so!

kbateman, Sep 16, 1:42am
Hi can any one know where to by colour corn seeds.
Thank you.

jules., Sep 16, 5:41am
daughters had a 100% success rate with her 15 tomato seeds. she is very impressed! they sit in a very sunny spot inside, so they should be big enough to go out on labour weekend.

imrae1, Sep 16, 5:15pm
juliewn How much sugar in your g/beer recipe please

daleaway, Sep 16, 7:36pm
Stevee you don't need an airing cupboard as I just make mine by leaving it in a room that is not too cold overnight. In my last house I made it in the spare room wardrobe! Use the touch test. Just go in and feel it every day till the bottles feel tight - usually this takes 3 to 4 days.

merlinthp, Sep 17, 12:44am
juliewn How much sugar in your gingerbeer please.:-) Kids and I are very keen to try this Thanks

stevee6, Sep 17, 2:05am
Daleaway - ty for that! Somehow I got the idea they needed active warmth but that would do fine. They can nestle in alongside the baby tomato plants!

steele, Sep 17, 4:00am
Hi All! I am thrilled to have found your thread! I receive the get growing email and have been inspired to put in a new vege patch. I'm hoping I haven't made it to big for a bit of a first timer! I am hoping to use a 4 year rotation but the books I have read don't include all the veg that I hope to plant - like eggplants and cucumbers. Does anyone know of a good site to visit/book to read where I might get a really good grouping of lots of veges. Thanks so much! Can't wait to get planting!

juliewn, Sep 17, 4:17am
Oops. sorry! the Ginger Beer recipe needs 1 cup of sugar - 250mls - though we tend to use about 3/4 cup in the recipe. Enjoy. :-)

juliewn, Sep 17, 4:24am
Hi Steele. a warm welcome to the thread. - and to growing your own wonderful veges. :-) the Yates Garden Guide is a good resource for info about growing veges, and there are books about growing veges organically available now too. There are often books listed here on Trademe. or check at your local library to find one that's just what you're looking for. Enjoy growing your own goodies.

steele, Sep 17, 4:36am
Hi Julie Golly, Those photos on your profile are amazing! I actually have a Yates garden guide - infact I'm a bit of a book hoarder and ahve quite a few on veges - done a lot of reading but not much actual growing! lol. I am really struggling with where to put some veg in in the 4 year rotation as they don't appear in many of the books I have. Do you use a crop rotation plan!

imrae1, Sep 17, 4:52am
steele Hi, I have my garden devided by 3 and rotate by top crop and ground peas beans tomatoes etc and carrots potatoes etcThe 3rd piece I leave to grow a green mustard over winter

steele, Sep 17, 5:13am
Hi Reawyn Thanks for that - that soundss far more simple than many of the rotations that I have read about!

simplesean, Sep 18, 2:26am
the ginger beer i managd to taste. was "interesting" tasting. very dry and not as sweet as I thought it would be.

simplesean, Sep 18, 6:45pm
The bag of onions I have in the pantry. have all begun to sprout, so I am planting them all around the garden. They set cool round flowers and last year when I did it they attracted heaps of insects and bees. So hopefully I should get lots of good insects to fight the baddies.

whiskey13, Sep 18, 8:24pm
Woohoo this weeks email was early, i got to read it before i left for work and not when i get home.

books4nz, Sep 19, 1:08am
Yes - thanks to Lynda and Rachel for the wonderful email, and for them each week.

jules., Sep 19, 3:23am
i had a good afternoon in the garden today. i planted some sugar snap peas and then fixed up the podded peas the blimen chooks have attacked. i have fixed up the run where i think they have been getting out and into the garden, so hopefully this will work! i dug up 8 smaller silverbeet plants and planted them in the chook run with an old wire crate over the top, so the chooks can only eat what grows thru the wire instead of digging the whole plants out. well thats my theory anyway, we will see, they are pretty cunning :) its supposed to rain here tomorrow, but im hoping i can get out and dig over the garden and plant the seed potatos before it sets in.