NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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bjkiwi, Sep 12, 4:12pm
hasnt the weather been awesome juliewn! we way down in the deep south and Im out digging in a singlet!we did have 3 days last week when it thundered, hailed and snowed.just a wee reminder not to get too ahead of ones self!

marge_s, Sep 12, 7:09pm
Woohoooo! I won one of the seedling potters!I didn't know until I read my GG email but I really wanted one of these.I'm absolutely rapt. Yayyyyyyy :)

stevee6, Sep 12, 8:24pm
Congratulations! I entered that too but didn't have many hopes - especially after reading the neat entries that did win. What a timely win with all the seedlings coming on!

marge_s, Sep 12, 8:31pm
My thoughts exactly stevee6 the timing couldn't be more perfect.I've been walking around the house with a smile all day. That mini green-house for this weeks competition looks pretty alright.I'd love to have a go at winning one of those but my husband says it'd be too greedy, lol.

juliewn, Sep 13, 3:09am
Hiya Jules. I wouldn't complain about fresh scallops for dinner either. the tank can be done any-ole-time!

Hi Ords. hugs. you have a lot on. hope you're taking good care of you.
What is superdirt. I haven't heard of it. thanks.

Ok. and don't laugh anyone. I had my first cauliflower from the garden last night - the pride and joy of my garden.was so nice I ate the whole thing. - all 1.5cm diameter of it! The size of a walnut on top of a short stem!

It did taste good though. :-)

floralsun, Sep 13, 4:40am
Congratulations Marge! And thanks Rachel for all your efforts - we love the GG email.

javlin, Sep 13, 7:39am
Finally got another day in the garden it has been so wet here it's great to have a fine day. Did lots of digging turning over the vege bed and pulling out heaps of convolvulous (horrible stuff). Planted a lemon a mandarin and a passionfruit. Planted a rose that a friend wants us to "rescue" for her. She dug it out to find that it comprised of mainly just a long tap root. It's obviously an old speciman, the trunk is thick and knarly. We've planted it and given it heaps of water but I don't hold out much hope for it. Then after lunch our neighbour decided to get on with replacing the boundary fence cont.

javlin, Sep 13, 7:45am
he has already pulled out the old corrigated iron today he was pulling out the old wooden posts (concrete bases) with a tiedown attached to the towbar of his ute. Much skidding. Then he got stuck into three dead gums on the boundary. After that we decided that two big flaxes and three scrawny pittos on the boundary should go too. We now have a huge pile of branches on our lawn. I really should be asleep but am busy planning what to plant once the new fence is up.

juliewn, Sep 14, 5:55am
It sure has been lovely BJKiwi. even very warm tonight here. amazing to be in a singlet. cheers. Julie

whiskey13, Sep 14, 7:17am
oh juliewn. I can relate to the cauliflower. I don't think any of my 4 got bigger than yours but boy did they taste a millon dollars lol

I've just noticed 1 of my six tomato seeds has germinated I grew "German Red Strawberry" last year ( seeds brought from Bristol Seeds) and i saved the seeds to try growing them this year. They shouldn't be up for another 3-4 days so it looks promising for the rest (fingers crossed). Spent $40 on Kings Seeds. So am waiting for finer weather to start seeds off.

juliewn, Sep 14, 9:50am
I'd guess I know exactly how you're feeling Javlin - I just started another vege garden area today. the beginnings of a much larger area for veges. and it's the beginning of the vege garden for our new home at the other end of the section here. I'm thinking of what I can do for my new vege area as much as I'm thinking of how our new home will be. counting down the weeks now. I can't wait. it feels like Christmas is coming! and that is coming too! lol.

jen92, Sep 14, 3:38pm
I'm excited for you too Julie, you have so much to look forward to and all this during summer.I want to start a vege garden, but need to give the 'chop' to an old grapefruit tree.Seems the borer has struck and it's looking bad but my husband doesn't want to see it go.It has to or no vege garden, I have no more room except in that area.*sighs forlornly*

stevee6, Sep 14, 3:42pm
Jen - how about you buy him a new dwarf grapefruit tree and together find a more appropriate place to plant it!

simplesean, Sep 14, 5:18pm
Gaaaarrrghhh! Curse youhomegrown magazine! We opened the first bottle of my Ginger beer yesterday. opened the lid up a little bit and it started frothing up majorly so my wife tightened the lid back up a bit. Next thing we know - the lid flies off like a champagne cork and the entire contents of the bottle is sprayed all over our kitchen! There wasn't a drop left in the bottle! Where did I go wrong! lol

jen92, Sep 14, 6:20pm
#724 You know Stevee, I didn't even give that a thought.How brilliant of you to suggest that.Looks like my vege garden will happen after all.thanks matey !

jen92, Sep 14, 6:44pm
Oh dear Sean, sounds like it was a major clean up job you had there!Too much yeast!

stevee6, Sep 14, 7:19pm
Jen - not a problem. I figure this place is the best to pose a garden problem - always someone who thinks around a corner you didn't even consider. Sean - Lynda would have hysterics - she too had exploding bottles, and it cost her a posh white leather couch if my memory serves me!

gr8tymz, Sep 14, 10:32pm
About the exploding Ginger Beer. was it made into glass bottles or plastic! The mistake Lynda made with her cider was using glass and yes it certainly did cost her a couch! I reckon that ginger beer is way more 'fizzy/explosive' than cider so can only imagine the mess that would have made. As a child I remember it used to take my mum a good half-hour of patient opening to get into a bottle her homemade ginger beer. My brother an I had usually lost interest by the time it was open and would opt for water instead! Maybe that was the plan

jen92, Sep 15, 12:16am
Hello Rachel, your mum sounded very clever.So the answer is to use plastic bottles instead of the glass for bottling it!very interesting.

imrae1, Sep 15, 12:30am
Iam wanting the answer to that problem too jen92 I have a few coke bottles and did wonder if I could use them for gingerbeer

bjkiwi, Sep 15, 3:13am
Ive got new babies! Im so very excited!Ive never grown much from seed, except carrots parsnip radish, peas beans etc.Everything else Ive . hang on Im going to rephrase this.

bjkiwi, Sep 15, 3:18am
Ive never grown tomatoes from seed before. so Im quite excited.I received a very exciting bag of goodies from Kings seeds on Friday and so on Satrday had a great time sowing and potting.Ive been checking every day and tonight I have a 100% germination rate!Im impressed, 3 varieties, 18 of each planted.Now can anyone tell me.

bjkiwi, Sep 15, 3:21am
I know tomatoes require warm temperatures for germination so Ive had them in the hot water cupboard. Now theyve sprouted do they mind a bit of a drop in temperature in exchange for some nice bright light! It is warm in the house but not as warm as the hot water cupboard, but Im very mindful of them needing plenty of bright light from now on. TIA

javlin, Sep 15, 3:49am
about 20 years ago I made ginger beer and put it in glass bottles. I put them in the hot water cupboard. Three of them exploded.
The sugar stuck to everything.

jardinet, Sep 15, 5:34am
fizz! boom! Hey don't blame me hehe :)

My ginger beer has never exploded. Only the cider.

Speaking of which, I'm brewing another batch, but this time of crabapple cider.
