NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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jules., Sep 20, 2:06am
i did manage to get out in the garden today. i dug over a good patch and planted some early/christmas spuds, yum, cant wait! i also shifted some huge rocks around and made a small garden alongside the vege garden and planted some canadian wildflowers that my sister sent from canada. hopefully they will attract the bees :) so bring on the rain now!

goodbooks, Sep 20, 10:01am
Could someone help please - if I sow tomato seeds now inside, and then plant them out at Labour weekend, would they be ripening by Christmas! And cucumbers! Also, if peas are sown now, would they be ready - am having a special Christmas this year and would like to have Christmas Dinner include as many fresh veges from my garden as I can. Are there any other veges I could grow that would be ready by then! Thanks for your help.

jules., Sep 20, 11:41pm
wow, what a wonderfull weekend of weather! didnt get much done in the garden, decided it was GREAT fishing weather. so off we went. when we came home we cleaned down all the winter grime from the BBQ, so thats all good to go. am off to the garden now. hope you all have had a productive weekend, if not, hope it was relaxing :)

juliewn, Sep 21, 6:41am
And daylight saving begins next weekend. lovely long evenings to spend in the garden, and to enjoy barbecuing. roll on summer.

pixiegirl, Sep 21, 4:51pm
Companion planting question Have just started getting our garden ready, took off the top layer of grass, good soil underneath.We are going to rotary hoe it next weekend ready for planting.I have my books on companion planting well packed away and cant find them.Can anyone suggest what should be planted with what or where would be a good resource to start looking.I have some really good books on this but do you think I can find them when I need them!
Thanks, Pat

pixiegirl, Sep 21, 4:54pm
Also would I need to do anything else with the soil.We are in a market growing area and the soil does seem really good and full of worms.Should there be anything I put in or on it before I rotary hoe or any suggestions please.

stevee6, Sep 21, 7:41pm
If the soil is good and rich then just add a dab of general garden fertiliser at the bottom of each hole(put a little soil on top) when you plant your seeds or plants - that'll give their roots a boost. For companion plants I tend to just plant a mix of calendulas, borage and naturtiums(and heartsease always comes along for the ride) whatever the crop. They all attract pollinating insects while keeping away creepycrawlies, and besides, I love edible flowers & leaves.

pixiegirl, Sep 21, 9:00pm
Thanks stevee6 Do you have any suggestion for companion planting with veges etc! Or maybe something that I can intregate veges and flowers.Would I be able to get the general fertilizer from the warehouse or best to get from garden centre.

harris, Sep 21, 9:12pm
Bill Ward's Edible Garden There is a very handy little book named as above which has a concise section on companion planting. It is small and soft cover so shouldn't be very dear. Also, it is a NZ book (Bill Ward, you might remember, was one of the presenters on Maggie Barry's Garden Show a few years ago and is a city councillor in Hamilton, I think. Why, oh why was that show ever axed!)

pixiegirl, Sep 21, 9:17pm
Thanks harris I will see if I can track one down. The ones that I have that I cant find at present were based on a proper course that was done in QLD (yes I am an aussie) and it had tons of info in it however the one you suggested is probably more relevant to this climate I would say.Many thanks

pixiegirl, Sep 21, 10:20pm
Hi Harris Found the book listed on TM, bought it already and hopefully shouldn't be too long before it gets here.Many thanks for the suggestion.

raffella, Sep 22, 1:23am
Blood and bone Can anyone tell me please what sort of quantity to put on garden!Flower and vege.

juliewn, Sep 22, 7:58am
Your garden must be flourishing Jules. I must get some potatoes in for Christmas too. thanks for the reminder.

juliewn, Sep 22, 8:00am
ps. I just found this site through Egmont Seeds - which I also am new to - and am enjoying shopping there!

stevee6, Sep 22, 5:08pm
We've had two feeds of asparagus - so fresh tasting, plus the first rhubarb! The pea shoots for salads are growing well as are lettuce/mescun, carrots, spinach, onions & radishes, and the beans go in this week weather permitting. And the white, red and blackcurrants are covered in flowers - it looks as though it's going to be a good season!

whiskey13, Sep 22, 6:26pm
Yes stevee this seasons looking good This year, between myself and my partner, we'll be eating:- cabbage, cauli, brocc, spinach, carrots, jerusalem artichokes, peas,(the dog loves picking and eating the peas fresh from the pod lol)silverbeet, beans, tomatoes, leeks, cucumber, mesclun salad greens, asparagus, (already had 3 feeds) yams, pumpkin, lettuce, onion, potatoes, raddishes,garlic, apples, apricot, mandarin, tangelo, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, red currants, rhubarb, (never died down over winter, had 2-3 feeds) watermelon, and rockmelon.And then theres the herbs but i won't bore you all with those.

whiskey13, Sep 22, 6:32pm
Oh i forgot to say that I'm growing 7 varieties of potatoes:- swift(ready now), maris anchor,van rosa, red rascal, rocket, ilam hardy, chippawe.

whiskey13, Sep 22, 7:45pm
Make that 8 I forgot about Nadine as

stevee6, Sep 22, 10:03pm
LOL whiskey - herbs are never boring! I forgot the silverbeet & brassicas.

jules., Sep 23, 1:44am
GO WHISKEY! that sounds great, well done! my garden is flourishing, but mostly still with weeds, lol :) theres plenty of rain here at the moment, so hoping that will help, and will fill up my barrels again too!

jules., Sep 23, 1:53am
. just sending us to the top :)

javlin, Sep 23, 2:04am
pixiegirl "Moa Beckett's Successful Organic Gardening companion planting" 1995
160 pages very comprehensive.

juliewn, Sep 23, 5:54am
Hi Everyone :-). Thanks Stevee for the suggestions on companion plants. I've recently started the new vege area for the new house, and bought calendula and marigolds to plant among the veges, acting on the fact that they have a strong fragrance and that hopefully they'd help. I'm glad to find I'm on the right track. Our new home started being built today. very exciting to look down the other end of the section and see the top soil has been moved into piles for spreading once the house is built, the profiles are completed, thefoundation trenches dug and ready to work on tomorrow. plus the new driveway is in. My Daughter thinks I'll probably get out of bed at 3am to go see if it's really there! lol. I said no no. I've taken around 50 photos today so I just need to check them out here in my computer. Oh Mum!

whiskey13, Sep 23, 8:07pm
Just to let everyone know that. yippie John and i have FINIALLY taken possession of our 20acres from John's sister. It's only taken 2 years and 3 months. Now the planning begins lol

pixiegirl, Sep 23, 11:17pm
Hi Julie congratulations on the beginning of your new home.It is exciting isn't it.Glad you are taking lots of photos - you will find yourself looking at them constantly.Thanks for the other suggestion on companion planting - will try and track that one down as well.Hope the weather is fine on the weekend to continue the garden.The really funny thing is that all the dirt/grass we took of the top of the new garden is in a great big pile in the back yard, the grand kids had fun in it on the weekend however the sheep and lambs go crazy over it, up and down the hill, jumping pushing and playing.It is really hysterical watching them enjoy it!