NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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jen92, Aug 14, 3:52pm
BTW, they've predicted rain for us till next week Thursday at least !Can you believe it!

gr8tymz, Aug 14, 4:13pm
Ginger Gems were fab thanks Jen I missed out on that auction thanks to somebody mentioning it in the newsletter! My mum had a very dusty gem-iron in the shed so we cleaned it and made them from your recipe. Just delicious!

stevee6, Aug 14, 4:30pm
Rachel - fabulous to have you here too. We truly appreciate your enabling skills :-)

gr8tymz, Aug 15, 1:44am
A lot earlier this week Lots of great competitions this week. I expect to be getting entries from every single one of you. I only wish I could enter!
Have a great weekend. Rachel

stevee6, Aug 15, 4:05am
Jen - we've just had the mother of all hailstorms. My front door is clagged up with peasized hailstones and the cats are APPALLED! The good side of all this is after having such a horrendous drought last summer & autumn, we've got water for Africa. I just wish I could afford a couple of great big watertanks. We've got a rainbarrel but I know around March I'm going to be whining about lack of water again.

juliewn, Aug 15, 5:57am
A warm welcome from me to the thread too Rachel. and thank you too for all you do that helps toward interesting and must-readable NZ Gardener magazines and the Get Growing emails. you're truly appreciated. :-)

juliewn, Aug 15, 5:59am
Hi Steve. I hope the hail hasn't damaged your garden. It just doesn't stop raining here. my entire section is just saturated and we could really do with about a week or more of sun and light winds to dry things a little. Hope you all have a great weekend. :-)

juliewn, Aug 16, 10:18pm
Hi Everyone. lovely to see how your garden's are growing.

I found a few fruit trees I've been looking for last week - was going to grow a blackboy peach from a stone, however found a 1.5m high tree for $22 so pleased with that. Added a Braeburn apple and a Cox's Orange apple, a dual season raspberry, a red currant and another mandarin - a summer fruiting one.

Will look for a prune plum - and a Trevatt Apricot - the latter rarely available this season it seems - had an order at our local garden centre and they weren't able to get one anywhere, and other garden centres have said they could only access a few for orders. wow. just had a look on Trademe and there are some listed. byeee! lol.

mvr, Aug 16, 10:24pm
Hi everyone! First time vege gardener here!
I am in the process of putting in my very first vege garden. I live in Cambridge in the Waikato.
I bought some fence pailings to make a slightly raised garden, but am now wondering about chemicals from the treated timber!If I line the box with plastic will that help!

stevee6, Aug 17, 1:11am
Hi mvr and welcome. Plastic is a good edging inside treated timber. Julie -perfect weather over the weekend here down in Kapiti, but my poor naturtiums are lace after out large hailstones. But let's face it, normally at this time of the year they're frosted to death so I guess it's serendipitous.

stevee6, Aug 17, 4:08pm
Bump for the Monday people.

books4nz, Aug 18, 7:06am
and again!

stevee6, Aug 18, 10:20pm
Wow - put my order into Kings Seeds on Thursday and received them all today!Just as well I splashed out on new seed trays and mix. I know what I'll be doing the rest of this week!

viv29, Aug 18, 11:01pm
Did you order anything different stevee! I ordered red bunching onions which will look funky in my new pottager and cute wee round carrots. Already have seeds of basil, arugula, tomatoe, corriander, lettuce, peas and pumkin sprouting like mad in the lounge. Do you think it's too early to plant established plants from the garden centre (sure to snow again). Just want to get into it.

stevee6, Aug 18, 11:40pm
Viv, down in your spot frankly I'd wait a bit. In Christchurch I used not to put anything out before the beginning of October, but that was before I knew what stuff might do OK.
I did order charentais melons - apparently THE melon in France. Also the beans Fin de Bagnol because we like bush beans anyhow and they looked a bit interesting. Husband freaks over beetroot, so I've got the albino form - let's see if I can pass it off lol!Otherwise a couple of forms of mesclun, petit pois(I seem to be going all French), 8(I repeat eight) varieties of heirloom tomato(guess what I'll be selling at the local market come October!), a new baby eggplant and one or two other bits and pieces. I wish now I'd ordered Florence fennel. We had our first one ever last weekend and I made a salad with lemon/oil/garlic - and it was incredible! Not too aniseedy which I was worried about but totally crunchy and lovely! We're converted!

viv29, Aug 19, 2:20am
Deep down I knew you would say that steeve - and I know you are right. It's going to be fine the next 2 days and I am just itching to get planting and see some growth (I bet in a month or two I'll be moaning because I can't keep up with the growth). Still lots of tidying up and preparing to do so I'll settle with that for a few more weeks.

juliewn, Aug 19, 8:45am
Hi Everyone. I hope your gardens are all looking wonderful. spring growth is definitely beginning here - new shoots on many plants, vines and shrubs, my neighbours very large plum tree is white with blossom. everything freshly washed by rains. roll on the beginning of Spring on 1 September.

stevee6, Aug 19, 4:55pm
LOL Viv - sorry :-( I'm going to do all my seed trays today so that'll keep me busy. Our problem this year is the old shed which is coming out this summer. Until then I can't plant a lot because we need a decent space around it for demolition. Once that's done then we can plan our big new raised vege area for next year. So I think the flower beds are also going to have veges this year.

daleaway, Aug 19, 6:55pm
Ha1 Wish I'd read that yesterday Stevee before I set off my King's Seeds order - had heirloom tomatoes in that! Which market do you sell at - Lindale or Prm Beach! I'm going to have a go at Romanesco broccoli this year - any recommendations!

whiskey13, Aug 20, 6:52pm
I missed Linda on sunrise this morning, what did she have to say! Help please.

stevee6, Aug 20, 9:03pm
Mostly talking about new seedlings and seed trays. They harvested a ginormous pink cauliflower from the garden too - freed up lots of space!I wish the segment was longer - they have to cram way too much into about four minutes.

katelin1, Aug 20, 9:52pm
sunrise segment You can watch it on TV3's Sunrise video archive thingy.

hannah-lee, Aug 21, 4:16pm
Hi All! In 10 days it will be spring, yaahoo! A couple of days ago I planted 80 seeds which are now safely ensconced in my seed trays in my warm bedroom, hehe. Trying 4 new tomatoes this year, brandywine, green zebra, taxi and orange blossom, should be interesting. Along with the moneymakers and romas and also some black krim. Also going to try cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets as I have been reading about them and they look quite gorgeous. Roll on the warmer weather!

m41, Aug 21, 4:37pm
i can`t wait for the summer to roll round either got stuck in the back jungle last sat and finally dicovered the hidden steps got 2/3 done few slips with the clay, but need another nice sat when hubbys home as with mr3 i can take with me he loves gardening and exploring but mr1 has be as sleep or with dad, for me the get a decent ammount acheived but can`t wait to get uo the hill as cgoing to convert to a larger garden and orchard . the bush i going to take a bit to clear but can taste the apples already and maybe a couple of chooks too.just wish for all the ease. but am moving the fish and putting in the stawbeeries and goose berries this weekened weather/babies permitting.

stevee6, Aug 21, 5:03pm
Daleaway - I'm planning to sell at our village market here in Paekak - it's held only once a month so it'll be a one-off with the tomatoes(probably October market depending how well the seedlings grow).