NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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ords, Aug 8, 3:44am
Brassica, lettuce and carrots are coming along well in the tunnel house. They were planted mid to end of may. Have got some stuff outside that hasnt faired to well after some big frosts. The strawberries are coming away again. Had 18 and have planted 4 more. will add more once I dig in the seaweed sometime soon.
Have just put seeds in punnets to try and grow. Tomato, lettuce, red onion, brocolli and cauli. Will get more as in zuchinni, capsicums and cucumbers. Seed spuds have been brought, just waiting for them to sprout.

Am wondering about fruit trees. We have some old apple trees (cooking) and a pear tree in the farms "orchard" but I would love to have eating apples, mandarin and lime trees closer to the house. Plum maybe even. How would the likes of these trees survive in southland!

juliewn, Aug 8, 7:50am
The Get Growing email is in your inbox's now. and includes: "Apologies for the atrociously late delivery today. let's just say I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to being back in the office dealing with all our deadlines instead of swanning about in sunny Italy!". I wonder if Lynda ever pops in here to catch up on the thread. and finds us saying. where's our email! lol. Have a great weekend everyone.

thea4, Aug 8, 11:34am
get growing recieved thanks for a good read

drewboy, Aug 8, 5:20pm
Julie. im sure she does pop in and has a wee chuckle to herself.Might print mine off, brew a coffee and sit in front of fire to read it.its a cold and miserable day here today and the kids are going stir crazy not being able to go outside.Thank god for DVD's LOL.

stevee6, Aug 8, 9:01pm
Lynda has my sincere sympathy - imagine coming back from sunny succulent Italy to THIS!BTW - got the Weekend Gardener today and it's got a couple of pages on the Hampton Court Palace flower show - georgous and very very sustainable!

whiskey13, Aug 8, 9:29pm
Apricot question-please help At christmas time i started an experiment growing an apricot tree from a stone and one from the kernel inside the stone. The kernel sprouted on the 1 March and is about 6 inches high, the stone has only just broken throu the potting mix. I have the perfect place to plant one in the ground but do i have to wait til next winter and the horse poo in the hole to rot down! Or can i cover the horse poo with more dirt and plant the seedling now!

mr_x., Aug 9, 1:34am
Great thing about Lynda is she is so enthusiastic! Had a work function with her and Alison Gofton (not sure on spelling) where Alison cooked what Lynda had grown, a reel hoot - great that she has failures in the garden like everyone else.

drewboy, Aug 9, 10:15pm
What an AWESOME day After the shock when I pulled back my curtains this morning and thought that it had snowed.but it turned out to be a damn good frost the day has turned out to be a cracker.I have taken the plastic cover off the garden, done the weeding and given them a good drink and they are now basking in the sun.Everyone else must be enjoying this rare phenomenon called sun and out catching up on their work in the garden.enjoy!

stevee6, Aug 9, 10:44pm
Beautiful day today - perfect gardening weather. Pity it begins to chill down around 3.30pm, but at least we got a good dose of sun on the skin.

juliewn, Aug 10, 1:27am
Hi. at the end of the weather forecast on TV3 last night, Mike Hall said "and don't worry, if you notice a big bright thing in the sky, it's the sun!". I want to create a new larger vege garden area at the other end of the section and need to get the trailer across to it - the ground is way too wet - fingers crossed for some fine and slightly breezy days to dry the ground out.

jules., Aug 10, 2:15am
a few months ago i planted rows of caulis and brocolli, the brocs are doing great, they have lovely large heads ready to harvest. but the caulis dont have any heads yet, they have great green leaves. do you think they will come to anything! they were purchased as seedlings from palmers.

whiskey13, Aug 10, 8:08am
hi jules. My brocc grew faster than my cauli as well. I do know that in winter things slow down, maybe thats the case.

katelin1, Aug 11, 1:28am
whiskey - apricot q You can plant your seedling out now, that should be fine. Just keep it well watered. Note that fruit trees grown from seed to not grow true to type - so the fruit resulting from this seedling tree will not be the same as the fruit from which the seed came.

jules., Aug 11, 3:59am
thanks whiskey, i dont need the space where they are yet, so will leave them for now and see how they do. they are otherwise good, strong, healthy plants.

whiskey13, Aug 11, 8:37am
Hi katelin1 Thanks for your help. I do know that the apricot seedling won't grow true to seed, but I'm not worried about that. Just the fact that i grew an apricot tree is enough for me lol. My next Q is roughly how long (years) before it will start to produce fruit. I'm doing an horticultural course via correspondence and i haven't gotten that far yet lol

juliewn, Aug 11, 10:52am
Well that brief bit of sun didn't last long. and it's once again raining steadily outside. would be great to have a few days of sun!

stevee6, Aug 11, 4:49pm
Uh huh - rain forecast all week. But at least I get to look at my new garden we finished last weekend - a great improvement on the previous bombsite!

jen92, Aug 11, 10:17pm
Post a photo of your new garden Stevee, that way you can brighten our dreary and dull week ahead.I'm so depressed looking at 4 walls instead of enjoying the sunshine and getting my hands stuck in the soil.There's only so much gardening books and magazines to read.I'M OVER IT !

stevee6, Aug 11, 11:12pm
Jen - I will when I work out how to do it. Or rather, husband has(I knew there was a reason I kept him on :-)

gr8tymz, Aug 12, 9:28pm
Just for the record Miss Lynda definitely logs in to check on this thread and what we're (you're) all up to!

juliewn, Aug 13, 11:00am
Bumping for the thread. I've been out in the garden a few times lately - feels so good to be out there. hope your garden's are all growing well. roll on Spring.

simplesean, Aug 13, 7:00pm
I'll be bottling my ginger beer today. just as soon as I find some bottles. Hopefully plastic bottles are okay - I can recycle some soft drink bottles. Our recycling bin was emptied before I thought to raid it. :(

stevee6, Aug 13, 8:54pm
#634 You're not the Rachel that enables Lynda to do all the wonderful things she does, are you! I seem to remember her talking about you often if it is indeed you - great cook, poster(of seeds ie sweet peas), pumpkin chopper and all round saint-of-all-work!

gr8tymz, Aug 14, 2:29pm
Busted! Yep that would be me. Super side-kick! It's Friday again, by far the best day of the Get Growing week.

jen92, Aug 14, 3:50pm
Hey Rachel, good to see you posting here. How did those Ginger Gems turn out!Did you manage to find/buy any of those ginger irons!