Yellow leaves on kaffir lime tree

fendie, May 9, 5:45pm
I read that it need iron if it's yellow, and to spray it on. don't have a handy sprayer so I just dribbled it over the leaves. They aren't getting worse but no better either. have put it under cover for the winter, it's OK but not superhealthy. Any advice or comments ?

maclad, May 9, 6:03pm
Try googling trace element deficiencies in citrus. There are many elements which if are lacking cause yellowing. Look at images, they all show up differently so you could identify which element your plant is lacking. Otherwise just buy a bag of Trace Element Mix and put it round the drip line.

fpress, May 9, 10:51pm
Give it some Epsom Salts and a good watering

fendie, May 9, 11:00pm
thanks, I might just get the Trace Element stuff, sounds as if it would be good for all sorts of things, never heard of it !

cantabman1, May 10, 7:47am
Seasol seaweed extract is a very good product with trace elements. I have had very good results all around the garden with it.

gilligee, May 10, 12:02pm
Kaffir limes are big feeders so when ours start going yellow we give it some fertiliser.

harm_less, May 10, 12:49pm
If it's too cool down your way for what is a subtropical lime variety then the problem might not be a lack of minerals in the potting mix so much as the plant not functioning well enough to take them onboard.

Also depending on how long it has been in the pot/tub it may be that the mix it is in has run out of fertiliser content. Suggest you treat the tree to replacement of the mix (repot) and put it somewhere warm and sheltered for the winter.

nickyd, Nov 4, 10:01pm
Mine is in a pot and becomes deciduous in CHCH - I bring it in under eaves of house for the winter and it's leaves have come back each spring so far