What on earth are the yellow stoppers on Fuel

macfox52, Jan 26, 5:29pm
What on earth are the yellow stoppers on Fuel containers called please. Need a few to replace ones that have been lost or nicked off my containers. The local garage doesnt have any so need to get off line. Any ideas please.
Thank you very much.

andy61, Jan 26, 9:08pm
Would be easier and cheaper to get new fuel containers,more often than not spare parts are unavailable.

liggy2, Jan 26, 10:45pm
Stoppers! or caps!

tojo8, Jan 27, 12:22am
Bought a bunch of them from repco a few years ago, should be available still i hope

countrybumpkinz, Jan 27, 12:47am
spare parts are still available from Repco. You need a breather cap.

macfox52, Feb 10, 2:47pm
Thank you very much. No way do I want to replace the whole thing. I have at least 5 that need replacing.
Thank you.