Passion Fruit Vine going yellow

sla11, Oct 10, 11:17pm
Help please our passion fruit vine is going yellow. What is it lacking and what can I feed it with. Any ideas much appreciated

msmeets, Oct 11, 2:32am
Bump. mines just starting to do this

tintop, Oct 11, 2:48am

lythande1, Oct 11, 1:09pm
They are hungry plants and need a lot of feeding.
Also water - check it, is it dry?

katelin1, Oct 11, 2:31pm
Feed with citrus fertilizer.

katelin1, Oct 11, 2:31pm
They wouldn't go yellow from being dry, the leaves would go brown at the tips/edges first.

mssteptoe, Oct 12, 6:55am
Oh I'm so glad to read the above posts. I noticed mine yellowing today and thought I maybe got some weed spray on it but pretty sure I hadn't. Now I know I didn't and will endeavor to spend some time nurturing it with some feeding, watering etc. Phew!

lythande1, Oct 12, 1:37pm
Plants DO go yellow from being dry, the yellow first, then the leaves die (brown) and drop.
My friend has a potato in a pot, she hadn't checked for a while, it was as yellow as a lemon. I checked and the dirt was bone dry and hard.
Now she is watering it, it is starting to green up again.
She grew it in pure (home made) compost.

tigra, Oct 12, 3:52pm
Passion Fruit growing is a bit of a mystery., Whether to prune the old dry "branches" or to let them go. First year we had about 100 fruit - last year only a handfull (after trimming to tidy up the "branches") so I am reluctant to offer any advice except that they do die back and the leaves do go yellow/brown

mkbooks, Oct 12, 4:05pm
Feed it chopped banana skins-+ water well

maclad, Oct 13, 12:13am
How old is this plant. They only have a lifespan of about 4 years before needing replacement.

curlybear446, Oct 13, 12:17am
Very important: KEEP THE ROOTS COOL. Plant needs to be in full sun of course but KEEP THE ROOTS COOL. Mulch.

mottly, Oct 13, 1:18am
Probably dying from old age

les6, Oct 13, 1:23am
probably still getting over winter?not that warm yet ,even if you get a good day the nights are still chilly.big variances in temps can cause this along with everything else mentioned.Ours is looking seedy but we are still getting frosts or very close to shoots are just coming away now.

cantabman1, Oct 13, 1:04pm
Agrees with les6. Mine has yellowed over the winter and lost a few leaves, but i kept up the water, and now there are new shoots comming away all over. Lets face it , they are a semi tropical plant that hates the cold winters.
They also don't last many years, so don't be surprised if it dies after 4 or 5 years.

lythande1, Oct 13, 1:33pm
Fruit grows on first year branches, so the pruning idea is to prevent it from getting miles and miles away from the main trunk. They do grow like a weed.

They need water when dry, plenty of it. They like a lot of feeding.
And they are susceptible to fungal diseases.
They also like heat and hate frosts.

Best grown in frost free areas of NZ,

cleggyboy, Oct 13, 2:43pm
A big vine I had a few years back started dying while in flower.
I traced the cause to slaters, they had ring barked the trunk at ground level.

michele26, Oct 14, 4:02am
How do you kill the wee things slaters I have heaps ?

cleggyboy, Sep 1, 5:13pm
There is a bait available at garden centres that will do it. (or there was a few years back)