Hi, I have 7 daphne trees. All the leaves have started to turn yellow and are falling off. I searched on here and saw it said use Epsom salts or a feeder for them. I did that about 2/3 wks ago and it hasn't helped. Are they dying!dead!too far gone to save! I water them everyday and can see new growth on them but am worried they arent going to survive. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Feb 16, 12:37am
give a good all round feeder. can never remember whether its extra nitrogen inc potash or potassium they need. back it up with a feed again in a fortnight and a month. they arent too wet are they !
Feb 16, 1:17am
I'd suspect too wet.Daphne prefer to be in dappled shade and shouldn't need everyday watering.Dig a little hole in the soil beside them and see what the moisture level is like. Did you use an azalea/rhodo fert when you fed them, or just the epsom salts.I'm not a fan of epsom salts as it only supplies them with a couple of specific nutrients. You're calling them trees, so I'm guessing they're not brand new plants. Probably best bet now is to leave off the watering for a while, put a good layer of compost round themand cross your fingers.
Feb 16, 4:00am
Some of mine are falling at the moment. I believe they do fall (normal), I can see new leaf spikes on mine too. Mine are on a south wall.
Mar 10, 10:08am
Hi, the guy at garden centre said to use azalea/rodo feed and the salts so I have done that. I thought they would need water everyday so have been watering them, I will give that a miss for a bit and do them every couple of days. Thanks for your help.
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