Glasshouse repair

mcdoomus, Feb 5, 10:32am
I want to refurbish the glasshouse in our garden, it had been thoroughly overgrown with ivy and many of the old glass panes had been broken because of it. Should any glazier be able to help with this? I'd prefer to replace all the roof sections with safety glass or plastic for safety. Where would I be able to source plastic squares (polycarbonate?) for this?

harrislucinda, Feb 5, 11:08am
yes glazier will repair as we lost many glass pains in the big wind had 1 come and replace

supernova2, Feb 6, 3:18pm
And it wont be cheap.

flopsie, Dec 29, 4:52pm
I have just been trying to find you a link of some nice glass houses I saw in Chch They weren't actually glass but poly carbonate. Plastic doesn't last and glass is vulnerable. I wondered if the poly carbonate might have been the best of both worlds.