Identify plant?

daiixi, Jun 8, 5:31am
Can anyone help identify this plant? We saw some people picking it but couldn't understand what they called it - something like "chi". The stalk is kind of celery like but less crisp and not in a "u" shape. Any help is appreciated!

mothergoose_nz, Jun 8, 5:34am

harrislucinda, Jun 8, 5:40am
Picking in stream then water cress

bashfulbro, Jun 8, 5:41am
Not certain if it is watercress,i had heaps of it growing in my creek, sometimes it was hard to distinguish between this and real watercress, it is very similar,in fact may be a type of watercress, but i was told not to eat it.

twain1, Jun 8, 5:52am
i initially thought water cress but its stem is a bit thick, could be alligator weed also found in streams, quite invasive, white frlowers. If its watercress it will be bitter to taste

twain1, Jun 8, 5:53am
second look, alligator weed, cress has very rounded leaves, dont know its botanical name sorry

daiixi, Jun 8, 7:12am
Thanks for the responses! Definitely wasn't growing in water, was on the side of the road in rocky soil. The rate in which it was being picked makes me think it was for eating so probably not alligator weed. We're in the lower North Island if that helps.

gbking, Jun 8, 8:21am
looks very much like tutu, but wrong time of year for the new growth, be very very careful before you eat it it

daiixi, Jun 9, 12:39am
Thanks gbking. Not sure if it is tutu, but I definitely won't be eating it until it's 100% identified as edible!

wrinkles56, Jun 10, 11:24am
It is water cress.

tinabops, Jun 27, 9:19am
Yip, looks like Watercress

sue193, Jun 27, 9:38am
Yep, watercress. And re the stems, some of the watercress we pick has stems that are as fat as an index finger and they are so juicy and sweet. Definitely the best bits.

tweake, Dec 5, 12:02pm
tutu is easy to tell from its square stems.