Plant ID please

westigal, Dec 1, 7:07am
Have been walking around our garden for days, trying to figure out where the smell of dope is coming from, it is this shrub. When it gets above about 15 degrees it has a really strong smell just like weed ,lol. The shrub is about 2m tall, woody stemmed and seems to be quiet old, Any ideas?

piquant, Dec 1, 7:15am
It is a deciduous azalea. Amazing that you think it smells like dope! None of the ones I know do ( I assume you mean marijuana?) That is a horrible, cloying smell from memory. Mind you, I have only ever smelt it when it was smoked and I couldn't get away quick enough!

westigal, Dec 1, 7:22am
oh great, thankyou. Yes marijuana, had us all beat. Thought the neighbours were smoking up large lol. It is a very cloying smell, can smell it a good 15 feet from the plant, which is why it took a while to narrow it down to this one plant.

spiritofgonzo, Dec 1, 5:17pm
there are many plants that smell like marijuana, but I struggle to believe this would be one of them. Could it have been a plant next to it?

junie2, Dec 1, 11:14pm
I have smelled this from one of my azaleas too. It also has the same "stickiness" as dope.

westigal, Jul 15, 3:13pm
Thats true junie2, but it only seems to smell strongly when its a hot day. And it is sticky too. Three of us all smelt it on Saturday, had us running round the garden sniffing until we found it lol