Apricot trees,tastiest variety to plant please

maxi42, Aug 25, 6:25am
Would like to replace one i had for 25 years, Waiheke island

les6, Aug 25, 10:04am
trevatts are good,late season,not sure about pollinator issues?

maxi42, Aug 25, 8:50pm
Thanks,will google that one,self fertile would be good

katelin1, Aug 25, 11:23pm
Trevatt is the best variety for warmer areas as it's 'low chill'. It's self fertile.

jennyp2, Aug 26, 8:12am
try Katycot - ready here in Marl just before Christmas and a lovely tasty fruit. Our neighbour has one. Weve just planted a Tomcot, ( before I found out the name of theirs ) and its ready later and wasnt as tasty,a bit more tart i thought.