Plant ID: cherry?

katelin1, Jan 30, 9:03am
Tiny plums. May be a rootstock fruiting not a proper variety.

robotnik, Jan 5, 4:12am
Can anyone help me ID this plant, please? It is 12 foot high shrub covered in sweet red berries. I think it might be a cherry tree of some description, but it is not a classic cherry with the long stems. Here are some photos.

gbking, Jan 5, 4:32am
looks like a cherry plum to me,

spiritofgonzo, Jan 5, 4:59am
I'd say it's a crab apple

piquant, Jan 5, 5:12am
Can you cut one open please? I'm thinking cherry plum too but only opening one up will confirm.

wheelz, Jan 5, 7:27am
My vote is for plum

edenrose, Jan 12, 10:38am
Leaves look too small to be a cherry! I think it looks like a plum, what colour were any flowers? White would be plum blossom. Can't recall what cherry flowers are like, haven't seen any for years, maybe white with pink tips. Check on Google or You Tube.

gilligee, Jan 13, 2:48am
Isn't it too early for a crab apple?

spiritofgonzo, Jan 13, 3:55am
yes. Good spotting . you found my deliberate mistake

ro42, Jan 13, 6:47am
It is, and also the fruit in the picture don't have the little rosette 'tail' that crab apples have. Must be a cherry plum.

issymae, Jan 13, 8:17am
a plum, fairly common but don't know name, take some to nursery/ garden centre or call in at an orchard near you for advice; some of the older generation may know

issymae, Aug 14, 6:20am
google and have a look at their plums- may be purple king