Just need some advice/ideas as to why my spa pool has started tripping the switch in the fuse box. Has been working fine for last couple of weeks but now it is tripping switch (spa pool is currently set up in my garage till outdoor area is ready in summer)
Jul 16, 2:53am
It has an electrical fault, call an electrician.
Jul 16, 2:56am
As above, a large container of water does not mix well with amateur hour electrical repairs.
Jul 16, 3:08am
Is it a spa that needs a higher voltage plug (I.e not suitable to a normal 3 pin plug). Most do. Does the filter need cleaning? A dirty one causes extra stress on the motor.
Jul 16, 3:22am
Exactly which switch is it? If its an RCD you have an earth leakage fault, meaning current is finding its way to earth and this is dangerous so turn it off until its fixed (dont rely on the RCD, it will still hurt). This cannot be fixed by cleaning the filter, the motor or wiring has a fault.
Depending on the spa it might have a motor overload reset, and this could be tripped by the filter being dirty. This wouldn't be dangerous but dont run the motor until its clean. I think most modern spas will give you an error code if this is the issue though.
If you don't know how to identify the type of switch going off, I would seriously suggest you get someone who does know to look at it
Jul 16, 3:23am
Water has got into the control box circuitry, or possibly the mechanical seal between motor and pump has failed and the windings are damaged, spas are notorious for this as the chlorine eats seals, check for damp/wet patches around the control box or motor.
Jul 16, 3:24am
Heat element shorting.
Jul 16, 6:25am
as above, most likely heater element has corroded and is shorting out.
Jul 16, 5:43pm
My moneys on this which we found out the hard way is why you have to be on top of the chemicals in your spa and not just go off the look of the water.
Had it recently was taking ages to heat up turns out the element was corroded and not working and it was the motor which was heating it. Highly recommend http://thespashop.co.nz/
Jul 16, 8:41pm
All faults covered, now get the tools out.
Jul 17, 2:32am
What has been missed is. 1; RCD or MCB? If MCB what size is tripping? 2; If MCB what else is on the circuit? (same for RCD) It may be as simple as too much loading on the circuit. But could be as was mentioned above. Good luck
Jul 18, 2:51am
ours started doing it & was the heater circuit had gone tits up.
Jul 21, 6:01pm
apparantly my pump seized.THE SPA SHOP wanted $1100 lol yeah right .picked a pump on trademe for $350.the filter was so blocked (it only took 3 weeks to block the filter from new,teenage boys ,body grim)it was stopping the pump to work properly and over heated.lesson here ,hose out filter every 2 weeks if it has a lot of use
Jul 21, 8:44pm
Think you are meant to attend to the filter more regularly than two weeks. I always did mine 1x a week and that was just for two or us.
Nov 17, 1:05am
DONt buy cheap pumps with plastic housings/ impellers . They dont last in spas . ive replaced some less than year old . get good quality known brand .
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