Filling in an in-ground swimming pool

starseeker, Jul 15, 10:08pm
Has anyone filled in an in-ground swimming pool? If so how successful was it long-term, & what did you use? This one is concrete all through - I would suppose that we would need to get the floor broken to promote drainage.
Are there any firms which would undertake this type of work?
I would envisage putting a lawn & garden in where the pool was.

jag5, Jul 16, 12:04am
I would break it all up, sides as well. great for filling the bottom. then find more rubbish somewhere and do about a metre or so of soil to finish off. Some may sink over the years. but can be topped up again. or get it rolled until no more sinkage. Just my ideas. I could be totally wrong

bluecat1529, Jul 16, 1:24am
We got a local earthworks contracto to do ours. They broke holes in the concrete bottom and then filled it with truckloads of fill and topped it off with topsoil and grass seed. It was overfilled slightly and it has settled nice and flat. It has been 4 or 5 years and it looks like it has always been there

cleggyboy, Jul 16, 1:39am
They make great sunken gardens so long as you get decent drainage, like smashing the bottom up a bit.

..pip.., Jul 16, 2:12am
God what a waste. Tens of thousands of someone's dollars not to mention how much another family might love a pool. Sell the house and buy one with a grass patch and let someone else have the pool

maccachic1, Jul 17, 4:20pm
LOL its not they are wasting an essential resource. Think of the water and power they are saving.

starseeker, Jul 17, 10:50pm
Thank you everyone for your suggestions; we have decided not to buy the property as we are elderly, & the pool and dealing with it or filling it in is just too much. Contrary to popular opinion, swimming pools are not always defined as an asset to potential buyers.
Thank you all for taking the time to reply, maybe this correspondence will help someone else.

dabo, Nov 20, 6:50am
Your call star seeker but there are firms that would do this all for you if you really like the rest of the property. However, no point in paying top dollar for a place if the 'luxury' of a pool is included and you don't want it. Hope you find somewhere else you like