Skiming walls

najopito, Jul 11, 4:02am
Is it expensive to get walls skimmed?

johotech, Jul 11, 4:06am
What is expensive?

cabrio1, Jul 11, 4:29am
$500 average size room.
What I was quoted before I did it myself.

underconstructy, Jul 11, 4:54am
$25 a m2 here or minimum day charge of $500 for small jobs.

zak410, Jul 11, 5:45am
A 'prep-coat' maybe all you need and you can just roll it on.

for example:

Resene Broadwall Surface Prep (see Data Sheet D807

najopito, Jul 11, 7:20pm
Thanks. That sounds like what I need. I can do that myself. I was hoping to replace the gib etc when I brought the place but I only lived there a year so never got to start the work

zak410, Jul 11, 8:16pm
That will improve the surface of a wall in good condition.
If you have defects/dents larger than a few millimetres fill those in first.

digmen1, Jul 12, 2:32pm
I would not attempt to skim my walls, if you are going to paint them the walls need to be nice and smooth.
I tried plastering small patches years ago, and its not easy!

pogram0, Jul 12, 3:20pm
I recently had two fairly large rooms done - I paid $60 sqm.

gregmran, Jul 12, 3:35pm
Floor area or wall area?

pogram0, Nov 23, 7:56pm
That was wall area. Have 9.6ft high ceilings and room was (in imperial measurements) approx.13ft x 12ft. Quite expensive to have done but looks good now. After I stripped the wallpaper off I found a fibreboard underneath so could not really paint it as the fibres would have showed through.