Flling a small gap around fireplace - what product
Feb 24, 12:38am
Im getting an insert fireplace put into an open fireplace in a month or 2. I have painted the surrounding brick (looks awesome), just finished tiling the hearth, (had to extend this) and im left with a 1cm gap between the tile and brick. This did have a unknown rubbery type product before I pulled it out to redo the lot. Anyway, what fireproof product can I use to fill this gap, have run out of promastic, to big a gap to look good filled with grout, was hoping for a product which I can paint the same colour as the brick. TIA PS unless the grout is paintable and I could use it as a gap filler?
Feb 24, 12:45am
You can buy colour powder to add to grout, Paint would not look so great. Grout will with stand the heat well.
Feb 24, 12:49am
I already have a coloured grout that im applying to the tile gaps tomorrow night. I just think it will look weird having these nice smooth 5mm straight lines between the tiles grouted, and then this 10mm wide gap along the back that isn't straight due to the undulating brick. I was hoping to paint it the same colour as ive painted the brick and it wont stand out as much. thanks :-) I have no more gaps which is paintable but I have a funny feeling it would be flammable as well.
Feb 24, 12:54am
Shame you did not space the tiles out a bit more, but then you say that its not straight. I would colour the grout and fill with that, if it still stands out, then paint , but when the paint flakes it will not look nice.
Feb 24, 1:14am
Thanks I might try it that way then. There is a nearly 1cm lip that sticks out where the open fireplace gap is. Even though this is concrete it still isn't straight. I think the insert woodburner will cover this bit thank goodness. I wanted a straight tile line at the back, thought it would look funny stepped if you know what I mean.
Feb 24, 1:19am
While the hole / gap is there it will look ugly. Fill it and give it a few days, and it won't seem so bad.
May 28, 4:23am
it already looks great with out the grout put in yet, tiles and paint are flash even if I say so myself :-)
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