Rental property behind my home and neighbours. Approached landlady over earlier issues and no joy! There is now a climbing weed that is encroaching both my property and neighbours. My area a timber fence, with roofing iron against, their side, trellis top one side and broom fencing other and this damn plant is growing through/ covering. Neighbour has low fence and now buried with this plant. Can get access to plant, hopefully, from neighbours but neither fit to attempt removal. Tenants not interested either. Can anyone recommend a permanent killer spray or a solution before this plant takes over even more. No idea what it is!
Apr 28, 2:06am
Can you get a piece. put in a plastic bag and take to a garden centre and get them to advice which one to use. good luck.
Apr 28, 2:28am
Yes good advice, get an expert to advise which weed killer you will need. You may not need to spray it all, the plant may die if only 10% sprayed. then you will wait for six months or a year or so for the dead plant to disappear. Mind you, those nasty weeds have a way of propagating themselves endlessly.
Apr 28, 2:56am
Many thanks. Will take to a garden centre.
Apr 28, 6:57am
Crucial to spray/remove before the plant flowers. Glyphosate based spray will translocate (move) through leaves to the whole plant, not very effective on older woody plants or waxy coated leaves, but repeat spraying can get new growth. Good luck, be vigilant for any regrowth.
Apr 28, 7:27am
We had a similar situation which turned into a nightmare. 1st identify what it is. ours had the dreaded pods and it spread like fire. The renters just ignored it. Maybe if you can find out what it is and if its recognised by your local body or council as a noxious weed, it might be able to help with its eradication. Maybe your council workers can help identify it or a local garden club.? Hit it with whatever you can. Lethargic neighbours dont care about the weeds. good thing is, they wont get excited if you decide to spray or whatever. They will just be glad that they can ignore their responsibilities.
Apr 28, 2:45pm
Cut the plant first then use Weed Weapon. Glysophate doesn't have much affect on certain weeds.
Apr 28, 3:07pm
what do you think weed weapon is ? it's Glysophate.
In addition - once the weed is identified - check with your local Regional Council. It may be that there is some action that they can take under various Acts, Regulations, and By Laws.
On the other hand - if it's a tall weed with serrated leaves your local bikie gang may be interested.
Apr 29, 2:31am
just to clarify, what Saflufenacil does is speeds up the plant growth. that accelerates the uptake of the Glyphosate. helps kill tougher plants but if its resistant to glyphosate then its not going to work.
Apr 29, 3:55am
Where did you get that from? Best you read up about Kixor.
Apr 29, 5:40am
why would i or the OP want info on broadleaf control in crops ?
Apr 29, 4:10pm
Its a side issue - follow through from #7
Jan 20, 9:42am
as that stuff looks to be for broad leaf weeds i have doubts that it would be effective. something like dicamba would be more suitable (eg woodyweed killer), but having said that its best to find out what it is and use the right one for the job.
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