Cleaning out water tanks

rpvr, Aug 25, 12:27am
I have a small plastic water tank (1000 litres I think) plus four plastic drums hooked up to it to increase storage a bit. It's only used for the garden and car washing. The problem is there is sludge in the bottom and it's got a bit smelly. It only has a small diameter lid, so not really feasible to get inside. I would also like to clean out the attached drums without disconnecting all the plumbing and tipping them over. Just wondering if anyone has come up with an innovative idea for doing a job like this?

trade4us2, Aug 25, 3:01am
I would put a water blaster through a hole into the tank. However I have 3 metre extension pipe (which I made) for the water blaster.

nzdoug, Aug 25, 3:03am
Then siphon the crap out and dry then vacuum if neccessary.

aredwood, Aug 25, 8:23am
Wet n dry vacuum cleaner

rpvr, Aug 25, 9:14am
Good ideas, thanks

heuristic, Oct 4, 11:43pm
Where the down pipe fits onto tank inlet pipe put a pair, one inside other, of knee highs. This catches 90% of gunk. Very easy to change, approximately twice a year. We have had this system working since 1994 and the bottom of tank has just a few small patches of debris. We are fortunate the pipes are at head height and easily accessible.

scottea, Oct 5, 12:01am
At the end of summer we totally drained our tanks and let them dry then used the shed vac on the stuff at the bottom and then water-blasted the inside. We also have "Cat Whiskers" along the guttering.

daryl14, Sep 11, 7:14am
Won't be so much the sludge causing smell. The water needs to be flushed or used constantly or it goes stagnant. Its a small space relatively so it will stagnate quickly. Rebuild the system in a way that the water is replaced every time it rains. An overflow on the last drum would be a good start. Or drain it all out if not being used.