Just an update - have just had an email come through with the news that the referendum has been postponed indefinitely. Basically, the opposition to this scheme has forced the powers that be to reassess the whole argument. And quite rightly. It was a bulldozer approach in the hope that we would all roll over and comply. Just goes to show that if you stand up for what you believe is right - then you can make a difference.
May 12, 12:28am
May 13, 4:34pm
Great - thanks for updating I will tell hubby he can continue with his hobby!
May 13, 11:13pm
Am sorry to say that most the growers that I have spoken to support this move, some of whom are the largest suppliers in the industry
May 14, 2:13am
Don't be sorry, twain1, everyone is entitled to their own opinion! There is merit in some of of the issues - it's just a lot of us felt that they went completely the wrong way about it. So many issues got mixed up in the midst of it too, which didn't make it any easier to comprehend. With the propensity to "market" everything these days, they forget that the majority of growers (at least those that do the growing as opposed to those who own the companies!) are pretty much down to earth, grounded sort of people. We don't take kindly to hype and bullshit and prefer to work things out between us. But things had not been considered very carefully and there were some gaping holes in the scheme. Fortunately, this has at least, been recognised. It will not stop the issue - it will merely make them go back to the drawing board and have to dot the i's and cross the t's before bringing it back to us at a later date. So, consider this a respite rather than a victory.
May 20, 3:11am
So even if NGING was to pass this, where do they get the authority to levy people, surely that can only come from a government edict?
Jan 5, 11:13am
Power comes from the minister under the Commodity Levy Act.
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