Codling Moth on apple trees remedy on tv

free-h-oldies, Nov 30, 12:24am
lastnight, there was a Nun who had a fantastic garden and she gave out a recipe for getting rid of codling moth, it was 1 tabspn mollasses, 1 Tablspn of white vinegar and I didnt get how much water to mix with was on Campbell live I think

spongebobbie1, Nov 30, 12:56am
I missed that bit but perhaps you could watch it again on TV on Demand.Also what about using a codling moth trap - should be available from garden centres etc.

melford, Nov 30, 1:05am
Just checked the recipe on Tv Demand - it was on Close-up last night. She said 1 tbsp molasses, 1 tbsp white vinegar and fill the container up with water. (looked like it was a measuring jug so would hold 500 mls)

ferlin1, Nov 30, 1:18am
thats cool

free-h-oldies, Nov 26, 6:58pm
thanks everyone,spongebobbie i was going to buy a trap but thought I would give this a go.Ive also put grease around the bottom of the trunk so cant wait to see how it all apple tree is an old variety which we love but last year had heaps of moth.