Apple tree ,roots exposed

moparpete, Nov 4, 1:22am
Advises please, our puppy decided to dig out a massive hole right at the base of our beautiful flowered 1 yr old apple tree this evening,leaving half of trees roots exposed. I just now covered up the exposed roots and the hole with Dalton's mulch and whatever little soil left and watered the tree extensively . Is there anything else I can do to save the tree. Help help.

moparpete, Nov 4, 1:54am
Easier said than done. Wanted some advice regarding the apple tree not about the puppy.This is the gardening thread not the pet thread. so come on you wise gardeners out there give me some real good tips not some stupid comments like the above.

moparpete, Nov 4, 2:00am
Real advises please . anyone else

fantail8, Nov 4, 2:02am
put a fence around said tree to stop the pup doing it again

aprilguy, Nov 4, 2:05am
If the roots were just exposed for one night then re-covered, the tree will probably be fine.
But it won't tolerate repeats, so I advise putting something around it that the dog can't dig through, such as bricks or chicken wire. Needs to extend in a big circle round the tree.

bluefrog2, Aug 8, 6:52pm
I agree about laying down some cover on the ground to prevent digging, or fence off the base of the tree. Pavers maybe. Or even get a roll of chicken wire and some bamboo/wooden stakes and fence off the tree.

EDIT: An aunt of mine swears by chilli powder scattered where she doesn't want the neighbours dogs and cats to dig, but you might not want to do that to your own pup!