Blueberry plants have some bug things stuck on the
Nov 29, 4:02am
branches, they look like small slaters stuck to the branches/stems, but not slaters, I rubbed them off with my fingers and was able to squash some, but think they make need a spray of !Anyone got any idea what these could be and what food friendly spray I could use on them, would prefer not to use toxic chemicals.
Blueberry plants are naturally resistant to many common pests and diseases. Phytophthora root rot is the most serious disease and can be a major problem on waterlogged soils. Anthracnose fruit rot (causal agent, Colletotrichum acutatum) and stem canker (Botryosphaeria spp) are also becoming serious issues affecting blueberry crop. Leaf-rollers, blackvine weevil, scale, and root chewing pests such as grass grub larvae may also occur and need to be controlled. Rabbits may be attracted to the tender new shoots on young plants.
What you are describing sounds like scale.Unless it is a heavy infestation, it is simplest to hand remove them.If it is really heavily infested , try Neem Oil spray.Give your blueberry a feed of a good allroundfertiliser. I find that when scale attacks something in my garden, that plant is usually a bit under the weather. Healthy plants don't seem to get attacked.
They maybe mealybugs. Only thing I can think of resembling a slater and oil sprays will help.
Nov 27, 8:12pm
I agree with mokaumoi.What you described sounds just like scale. His'her remedy is spot on too.
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