and corners? I think it's a moth of some sort. Some of the old cocoons have a single exit point at one end.
Dec 18, 5:38pm
Mason bee? We have them building those kinds of things in between the bricks on our house. Very busy at the moment. If you catch them in the act you can hear a high pitched buzzing sound.
Dec 19, 7:53am
No, they're absolutely snow white and about 1.5cm long, even the old ones are very white.
Dec 19, 8:36am
Some sort of spider egg nest?
Dec 19, 4:48pm
That's what I'm hoping it's NOT!
Dec 20, 3:36am
What is it on. Caterpillars make white cocoon nests when changing. like white butterflies do on cabbages etc
Dec 20, 6:27am
Gum emperor moth Cabbage tree mealy bug (it's big) White butterfly Clothes moth
Lots of things.
Dec 20, 8:10am
Thanks, will google all those and look at their cocoons
Dec 20, 8:11am
It's on the top inside frame of a window, which opens onto a vege patch.
Dec 20, 8:20am
OK, structurally, it's like the gum emperor moth cocoon, which does make me more confident that it's a moth type thing. However, all of the moth cocoons I've seen are kind of brown or yellow and these are bright white, even the old dead ones. The clothes moth cocoon seems pale, but it's a totally different shape. Whatever it is also seems to fill small holes, like old nail holes, with pure white fluff. I initially thought it was some sort of cotton wool stuffed in there and cleaned it out, but it's back.
The other option I was thinking about was little jumping spiders. There seem to be a few around the window, and I have seen a few online pics of them making little fluffy homes. It just seems a LOT of fluff for a very small spider, and it's not strand-like.
The absolute closest of anything I've seen online is a silk worm cocoon.
Dec 23, 5:38am
mealy bug
Dec 27, 10:42am
what could be eating my mint. Leaves have holes in them, have searched the plant and cannot find any bugs.thx
Dec 27, 11:10am
Wool Carder Bees stuff existing holes full of white fluff which they scrape from the surface of certain leaves. They are a relatively recent invader to the country and I first noticed them here in North Canterbury a couple of years ago.
Dec 27, 11:28am
That is what's stuffing holes with fluff! I've seen the bees on my windowsills, and around plants. It's not the cocoons though. Or maybe it is, I'll leave them alone and see what happens. Weird little buggers! Now I'm sorry I've been interfering with their fluff!
Dec 27, 11:37am
Yeah, as far as I know they don't make stand-alone cocoons so that's probably something else. They are weird little buggers. I only found out about them when the motorbike started blowing clouds of white fluff out the exhaust every time it was started.
Dec 28, 10:57am
I found one this morning in some electronic equipment inside my garage, cleaned it out and there where heaps of tiny what appeared to be spiders smaller than a pin head. So yes I reckon they are spiders.!
Aug 29, 6:40pm
any info regarding my mint. thx
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